Chapter 10

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"Mr. Min, the presscon will start in 10 minutes." One of my media staff inform me backstage.

I nod at him and simply prepare my speech silently.

After exactly 10 minutes they called me to climb in the stage. We're doing a big presscon for the achievements of my company and the gangs' solo success for the past 5 years.

We prepared everything in just 48 hours and here we are ready to speak in front of the peoples.

I sat between Namjoon and Hoseok that's in between the Trio and Jin-Hyung.

"So Yoongi-ssi, everyone noticed that the seven of you are now close with each other, how are you feeling with that? A boss being close to his slaves?" An awkward silence filled the venue because of the disrespectful question of the most controversial media reporter we knew.

I heard Namjoon whispered himself why does he let that reporter in.

"Pardon?" I let myself sounded offended with my brow raise at him.

Everyone looks shock with their hands covering their mouths.

"I mean-"

"I don't want to be a bad*ss here in front of the media but I don't want to hear any sh*ts coming from your mouth anymore but let me answer your question since my attitude is better than yours..." Everyone laughed because of the reporter's reaction.

He looked pissed but more of embarrassed. I don't want to be rude but his question makes my blood boil. How come he refer my friends as my slaves?

Do I look like treating them as a slave? My baby?

"First of all, they're not my slaves and I don't want them to be labelled like that. And yes, they're my friends but for formality sakes, they're my artists. How I am feeling? I'm fine as long as we're in good terms and everyone's respecting us." I purposely smiled sweetly at the reporter that's now bowing his head due to over embarrassment he received.

The penalty for messing with my friends in front of me.

After that question, every reporter asking us were very picky with their words. They all look nervous while speaking to the point that it bothers me.

"Calm down everyone. I won't diss anybody randomly just don't mess with your questions about my friends and you'll be okay in front of me." They all look relief that's why we laugh at them.

They all looked scared after that dissing moment with the rude reporter.

After the 30 minutes long presscon we wrap up and rest backstage. Even after resting, my body still feels tired.

"Eat your lunch, Hyung-nim..." I glance at the lunchbox that just came out of nowhere.

I looked up to the man handing it to me, my baby.

"You look so tired; I'll give you a cuddle when we get home." He winks at me that made me smile.

I watch him walk pass through me and gave everyone their lunchboxes. My walking stress reliever and my big baby.

"Yoongi-Hyung..." Hoseok drag me into the corner even before I open my lunchbox.

"Why? I'm about to eat, Hobi-ah!" I protested but then let him drag me away from them.

"Jin-Hyung told me a surprise for Namjoon Hyung since it's his birthday today." My aura went from irritated to somewhat interested.

"What will we do?" I ask him whispering also, so that no one could hear us, especially, Namjoon.

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