Chapter 1 - The Meeting.

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"H-Hyung?" He immediately responded; he is at my office while reviewing some papers I signed. He is working as my Co-producer and the Company's President, but he does not want everyone to address him by that.

"Can you attend the meeting with the Busan Corp? I'm not in the mood for meetings." I ask him while signing some new renewal of contracts with Seoul Prod and International Production.

"Ye, after I meet Hobi..." I gaze at him with the sudden mention of Hoseok's nickname. Isn't he in the U.S?

"Hobi? He is already home? I thought he will be staying in New York for a week or two after his collaboration with Becky Girl?" I looked at him with my eyes confused. Hobi's one of our best friends and our company's dance choreographer and part-time producer too.

"Nah, he's home already. Looks like he can't stand being away from you for that long." I saw how his lips formed a smirk that made me roll my eyes. What?

They are always teasing me with Hoseok, he is one of my best friends.

Nothing more. Just best friends.

"Stop it." I whined and acted like flipping the folders above my desks, he would not stop even though I would tell him to.

"Why don't you give Hoseok and yourself a try? Maybe you two would work!" He exclaimed while laughing, obviously teasing me. That is the dumbest idea I heard in my whole entire life. A friend is a friend.

"Nah." I made myself busy again with renewing contracts. This time, it is legit. I do not want to hear any bullshit ideas from Namjoon.

"It's been 3 years since you signed the Busan Corporation contract and you haven't seen him again, maybe it's a sign that-" I cut him off by standing and heading to the door. See? He will never shut his mouth; how come he is my best friend again?

"No." He shook his head, a sign of disbelief.

I was about to leave the room when he spoke again that made me stunned and gulp hard without knowing why I am affected by his mere stupid question.

"You really like him?" I faced him with my annoyed face. I even roll my eyes at him to tell that I am nearly getting annoyed.

"I'm no gay. I am just returning the favor he gave me that day when he saved my life. That's it, stop pairing me up with anybody." As soon as I left my office, I clearly heard his laugh that made me frown.

That kid really knew how to piss me off and get into my freakin' nerves and why I am thinking about that?

I head to the studio of those new artists. I had a lot of debut artists, and they are all successful and roaring high. My younger artists are still in the process of training to help them improve their skills and confidence.

As soon as I entered the studio, they stopped recording and bowed to me. These two were the youngest trainees of another agency that I had.

I rolled my eyes after seeing the tense in their faces. They are still not used to talking with me alone.

"Jungkook-ah, Taehyung-ah!" I called them and that made them face me.

That is better.

"Y-yes Pd-nim?" Taehyung asks me nervously; do I really make them nervous every time we meet? I am always calm and smiling every time I run into them.

"I wanted to hear some of your recordings." Jungkook immediately handed me some recordings as I wished.

Taehyung and Jungkook are from Seoul Production. They are one of their best singers and they can dance too. We are training them for their upcoming debut.

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