Chapter 5

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It's been months since my birthday and the Trio debuted. Their career is great so far. Everybody loves them already, being them and their music.

Our few artists disbanded due to lack of supports. I really didn't want them to disband but it's their own decision.

Only Jin and the Trio remain.

Jin celebrated Epiphany Achievements, his newly released single.

"A tv reality show wants the Trio to be featured. It's a great opportunity since they're our remaining boy group..." Hoseok handed me the contract

I nodded and read the entire contract. We have the entire decision to make. They'll let us do whatever we wanted to the boys.

As soon as I sign the contract, I called Namjoon to meet me together with the boys.

Namjoon is their Manager that's why he always meets them.

Minutes past and they arrived. Namjoon enter the room first with Taehyung and Jungkook behind him sharing the same earphones. Last to enter the room is Pink haired Jimin.

Even Taehyung and Jungkook already colored their hairs. Taehyung has lighter brown than Jungkook that has dark brown.

They look matured.

Jimin stared at me for a little while before line up with his members, why is he turning red? Is he shy?

"Hyung-nim." They bowed at me and take their seats in front of my table.

"I called you to inform that I've signed a contract with Reàl-lity Time." I started

"That Reality TV show, pd-nim?" Taehyung asks with his box smile

"Yeah. Our company itself had the power to decide what you three were going to do during the entire contract span." They all nodded at me, listening very carefully.

"Then? What do they need to do now, Hyung-nim?"

"We'll visit your hometown-" I was cutted off by their loud cheers and laughs.

I smiled a little when Jimin started to punch the air.

"As I was saying, you'll be visiting your hometowns. Since Taehyung is from Daegu while Jungkook and Jimin are both from Busan. We'll head to Busan first." Taehyung seems didn't mind at all.

He's smiling widely and teased Jimin and Jungkook that's already excited to pack their things.

"Okay, pack your things." Namjoon suddenly told them that made them run away.


"You wanted to stay a little longer in Daegu that's why you made it our last destination, huh?" I shook my head at Namjoons conclusion.

He really knows me well.

"Seoul's pollution sucks. I wanted to visit my hometown and rest a while during the said contract. It'll be a good vacation too." I answered him while contacting the said reality show.

("Reàl-lity Time speaking, may I know who's on the line?") A lady answered

"Min Yoongi of Min Production, I want to set an appointment about the schedule of The Trio? I've decided our first destination." I politely answered back at her.

Minutes passed and I'm already talking to their manager.

("No problem, Mr. Min. Tomorrow? Okay, okay. I'll prepare our staffs and everything, don't worry.") After thanking their manager, I bid goodbye and hung up.

"So how it is?"

"We'll start recording tomorrow." I was about to stand when he suddenly stares at me.


"Wearing the sweater, he gave? Hmm, you're no gay." My eyes looked down to my sweater, it really is Jimin's gift.

Is that why he's staring at me?


"Yes, babe- Hyung. I'll call you later." Namjoon glance at me while talking to Seokjin.

As if I don't know anything about them.

"Why not expose yourselves already? You're not kids anymore." I told him that made him scoff.

"Coming from you, Hyung? You can't even admit that you like Jimin." I was taken aback by his answer

"Shut up, Namjoon-ah!" I told him while focusing to the road.

We're driving to Busan with our staffs. The trio is in the separate car with some Reàl-lity Time staffs.

They're giving briefing to the boys.

"Why not admit Hyung? You're wearing the sweater he gave since yesterday. You wash it the last night so you can bring it today. Tell me you don't like him." He's smirking the whole ride when I don't answer him

I don't need to answer him, he's right in every aspect.

I really like the kid but I don't think he likes me too. Just like what he said, maybe I'm just an older brother to him.

After driving for more than 3 hours, we finally reached Busan.

We arrive at Jungkook's house first, staying there for a couple of days.

Their house was modernized and enough for all our crew and staffs.

The household is kind and they're very hospitable. We just didn't take a little long there because we need to show the boys hometowns for just a month and a half.

Next stop is Jimin's!

Unlike Jungkook's house, Jimin's house is more on ancient but elegant look.

On our first day, we meet some of his childhood friends.

It's all normal and quite relaxing not until his oh-so-called friend show up, HeuGi.

"Heugi-ah!" Jimin greeted him and gave him a hug.

I raise my eyebrow at the scenery, it seems like I didn't like it. They're too touchy and whatsoever.

The shoot for that day was already over. They wrap up and went on their personal interests. Even Hoseok and Namjoon went on their bro-date.

"Hyung-nim, let's go to the ice cream parlor near here!" Jungkook with Taehyung invited me but I refused. I was about to enter the house again when I heard Jimin following Jungkook and Taehyung with Heugi on his side.

"Jungkook-ssi! We'll come with you, Heugi and I love to go there when we were on high school." They both giggled as if reminiscing some memories.

It makes me roll my eyes while looking at them, I turn my back when Jimin's facing on my side.

I stayed at my assigned room until I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sudden felt that someone's inside my room.

It's already dark when I peak at the window.

I roam around and there I saw Jimin sitting beside my bed, holding two ice cream in his small hands.

I purposely stretch my arms just to steal his attention and I succeed.

"Yoongi-nim! You're awake before the ice cream melts!" He laughs as if he made an inside joke on his head.

"Why are you here?" Seeing those ice cream reminds me of him and Heugi together, it darkens my mood.

"I just want to give you this. You don't come with us a while ago so I thought of just buying you an ice cream and eat it with you." I glance the ice cream he's handing to me.

I accepted it without looking at him.

I standed up and went to my rooms veranda and as expected, he followed me there.

Awkward atmosphere filled the gap between us or is it just my feeling?


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