Chapter 3 - Brother.

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"Ugh." I groaned while uncomfortably shifting on my bed. My chest suddenly feels heavy.

I tried to open my eyes but then something.

Something keeps on licking me.

I muffle a groan when it goes down to my stomach and cuddle there. Making itself curl into like a tiny soft ball, laying on my stomach.

I heard someone laugh, then I opened my eyes just to see my brother. Leaning against the door frame of my room. Arms folded across his chest while chuckling at the sight of me, half naked cuddling with a fluffy dog.


I sleepily grabbed the shirt from the side table and wore it. I look at my tiny ball of fluffy fur in my stomach while petting it.

"Holly-ah!" I grab my brown poodle and hug him so tight.

I saw him last month but that does not mean that I do not miss him. He is living with my brother back in Daegu.

"Happy birthday, lil' bro.." I looked at my older brother and quickly stood up from the bed to give him a manly hug. I missed him too.

After the little chit chat, we went straight to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Luckily, he already messed with my kitchen and made some food.

"I wanted to spend time with Holly. You can stay here for a little while." He nodded while eating.

I quickly got myself ready for the event today after eating. Namjoon told me that the event location was already settled when I asked him for any updates.

I get really hands on when someone's debuting under my agency.

The boys were already ready, but I know they are a little bit nervous. Thinking about the three boys makes me remember the caller last night. I do not know; it is crazy to assume that it is one of them.

Oh, maybe he is just one of my staff.

I headed to the venue and some of the media personnel were already there. I already saw Hoseok when he guided the staff on where the media will be for the rest of the event.

"Happy Birthday, Hyung-nim." Hoseok gave me a manly hug before I headed inside the main venue.

Everyone in the venue is busy. I saw Taehyung getting his makeup done while trying to practice his vocals.

"Pd-nim! Happy birthday!" he greeted and bowed when he saw me.

"You're ready?" Between him and Kook, he had the longest training period.

"A little nervous pd-nim..." I saw how he pursed his lips with a tight smile. I know the feeling and I understand him.

"I'll go get practice again pd-nim! Wish us luck!" He excused himself after the stylist finished his look. I tap his shoulder before letting him go. A hardworking boy.

My company is a family, and my trainees are my siblings. Taehyung is one of my special favorites.

I roam around the event to check every corner and make sure that everything is perfect. It is the biggest day for the boys, and I will not let anything ruin it.

"Pd-nim, everything's settled." One of the managers told me that when I ask him if everything is okay, they seem to have a little problem with the wireless microphones.

I do not want the boys to hold a mic with wire on the stage. They will be uncomfortable, especially when they dance, but they assured me that they will manage the problems.

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