Chapter 4 - Debut.

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Brother huh?

I rolled my eyes and never mind them. I do not even face Jimin.

Why do I feel like my heart is not in a good mood? Its aching?

I settled in my seat and make myself comfortable. The debut will start in 5 minutes, so I assume everything is okay.

Minutes passed and the venue is now filled with media and surprisingly, fans already. Well, my company is a little well-known and we have been promoting them for the past months.

The lights turned off, sign that the show will start any seconds now.

I thought I would not be surprised because I watched them earlier, but I was wrong.

Their stage presence is different.

Jungkook is their main rapper and dancer, Taehyung is the visual and main vocalist while Jimin is their main dancer and also a vocalist.

I did not assign a Leader because we all knew that they can all lead their group.

Jungkook starts their debut song with a smash. Slaying his rap part while the two were dancing their heart out.

They are giving their full blast on the stage. A great scenery.

Taehyung had the first chorus while Jungkook sing beside him.

When it is time for the last part, my eyes quickly glance at Jimin. The nervousness is visible in his squishy face.

"You're beautiful, don't we look good together? I always imagine it like this. You will be with me, with me. You are beautiful. What will we be like together? I always imagine it like this. You'll be with me, with me." (Beautiful by BTS)

I stared a little bit longer at his face, waiting if he will look at me but he ended up the song without even glancing at me.

The three of them bowed at the audience before going backstage. Hoseok and I headed inside to welcome and congratulate them. Namjoon assisted and instructed the media to the presscon area.

"We'll just give the boys maybe 10-20 minutes rest and then we'll go there." I told him before going inside the backstage.

The moment I step inside, I received a warm hug from the three of them.

I am taken aback but then when I realize it, I hug them back. It feels warm and different.

After the hug they did the resting while Hoseok and I we are complimenting them.

"Boys!" We diverted our gaze at Jin who just came enter the frame.

He quickly hugs the boys and praise their performance.

"You all did well! Jungkook-ah, you learn a lot from me, huh? You are rapping skills really improved! Taehyung-ah, you are really handsome, and your voice is really catchy! And of course! Jimin-ah! You really did great!" He hugs the boys individually while praising their performance.

Maybe he does not notice our presence yet.

"He looks like the boys' mother..." Hoseok whispered that made me laugh a little.

"What do you expect? Namjoon's their father." I smirked when he laughs aloud making a scene.

"Uh? Yoongi-nim!" Jin bowed at us with respect.

"Congrats to your new single, Jin-Hyung!" I also praise him.

He is a year older than me and like an older brother.

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