Chapter 6

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"I couldn't help to just to stare at your lips, Jimin-ssi." His eyes got even wider.

"W-why?" He looks afraid but can't help but to ask again.

I sighely deeply, thinking if I should confess already.

"I-I like you..." I felt my cheeks burning just by saying those words.

"B-but y-you're my boss and also Korea doesn't allow same sex r-relationship." I sighed at his answer.

I knew he doesn't like me.

"I don't say that you should like me too just let me. I wanted to like you." My heart almost exploded when his eyes met mine.

"Y-you can't. You shouldn't." And with that he left me all alone.

After that scenario in my room, Jimin's obviously avoiding me. We just have almost 2 days to stay at Taehyung's house in Daegu.

Today we went to the park near the famous high school campus at Daegu. I used to study there also that's why I'm also familiar to the park we're going.

I used to meet a boy here. That pretty kid I used to like years ago.

"It's been years since the last time I got here." My eyebrows met when I heard what Jimin just murmured.

"Yeah, I remembered the last time we hang out here. It's also the day you left Daegu because Busan Corp accepted you as trainee..." Taehyung joined the conversation

"And also, the kid that made friends with us here. I wonder where he is right now." He looks like thinking about something

Why is he so friendly to the point that whenever we go, he has a friend? Annoying.

I just confess to him weeks ago and then here he is, telling a story about someone.

When we got home, I really lose my temper. Jimin's avoiding me while nonstop talking to Taehyung about his oh-so-called friend.

"Hyung-nim, here take this. You seemed out of the mood." Jungkook offered an ice cream to me but I refused.

Seeing an ice cream makes me remember Jimin. Why does he have to avoid me after I confess to him? Is he torturing me? Fvck.

The next day we decided to just rest and enjoy. Then the other day, we started packing our stuffs, we'll be driving to my house. We'll staying they're until the end of the month before going back to Seoul.

The Reàl-lity staff went back to Seoul because the episode was already over.

"You'll be having you own room at the house. My family is not there so feeling free and feel at home." I told them before driving to the house.

I got a separated house so that I can live on my own when the time they didn't support my career.

When we arrived there its already dark. I let them choose their rooms and told Namjoon to pick up Jin tomorrow so that he can join us.

"Copied, Hyung." He answered and opened the door right beside my room.

Taehyung and Jungkook's room were in front of each other while Hoseok room is besides Namjoon. The only bedroom left is the other one beside mine.

Jimin quickly enter inside when he realized that there's only two of us standing outside the room.

I shook my head and just enter my room and take a shower. I quickly finished getting ready so that we'll eat together.

"Your house is so big, Hyung. I thought you bought it when you were an underground rapper?" Taehyung asks.

I told them to skip formality, we're outside the company though.

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