chapter 14

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Madison Marshall POV

I wake up at the crack of dawn groaning as I know I won't go back to sleep. I curse my internal alarm clock that randomly decides what time I should wake up. I turn over and look at Alyssa who is softly snoring and sit up when I can't find Cameron. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and get out of bed putting on my slides and hoodie. I spot her sitting on the floor outside on the balcony. Without a word, I go out there and just sit next to her knowing my presence is enough and if she is ready to talk she will.

"I had a nightmare." Is all she says to allow me to understand what she is doing up.

"Same one?"

"Same one." She says and leans her head on my shoulder. "I was thinking I should see a therapist again."

"It's not a bad idea. You've been through a lot and I think a professional will help guide you and strengthen your mental health."


"How long were you able to get sleep for?"

"About three hours."

"How about we head back in and we can cuddle in my bed until Alyssa's alarm goes off." I ask knowing once we cuddle she'll fall back asleep.


It's game time!
We are versing the Netherlands today and it's going to be a tough game. That team had improved so much over the years. Their team dynamic and tactics are out of this world BUT they are not better than ours. We start off the game and right off the bat, Netherland has possession of the ball keeping it for a while. The entire first half was spent trying to defend our goal as kick after kick were attempted. The ref signals the ending of the first half with her whistle and the team gathers in the locker room. Vlatko and Becky give their speeches about how we are playing well but just need to mentally be focused and patient. They understood we felt frustrated barely having any possession in the first half. After the speeches, we start to get hyped up and hype up the people around us. Keeping up this energy we make it back onto the field.

"Tobin!" I shout as I send a cross from the left side of the midfield line to Tobin who is in a full sprint. She only has to pass one defender to be 1v1 with the goalie and that's exactly what happens as she works her magic. One last touch from her and I see the ball shoot into the air only for it to be deflected by the top crossbar.

"Fuck!" I can hear Tobin curse and I lean forward resting my arms on my knees hoping nobody sees my disappointment.

"It's alright! It's a start!" I pick up my head and pat her back knowing it's not her fault.

We started getting more possession of the ball, but still not as much as we would like. At least we were making attempts at goal whenever we had the ball. Things take a turn at the 72nd minute. Netherlands has a corner and everyone picks up their mark. Everything happens so fast as I put my body on the line and find myself out cold. I don't know how long I was like this but I can begin to hear voices. That has to be a good sign, right?

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"Marshall, we are going to turn you over, okay."

"Hey Madi, you're alright."

"It's going to be okay, can you open your eyes for me?"

"Can you squeeze my hands?"

I don't know who any of these voices belong to and my body won't allow me to obey their commands. I also feel a pair of hands holding the sides of my head.

"Madison, I need you to open your eyes for me." A voice pleads.

"Okay we need to get her on a backboard and make room for the medics."

As I slowly feel myself become less woozy and weak, I try my best to open my eyes. I guess it kind of worked as someone instructs me to keep them open. Through my blurry vision, I see Naeher holding my head as Alexis and the medics are working around her.

"Hi, you are alright. Just keep your eyes on me." She says firmly yet calmly as if she doesn't want to scare me. I'm so tired I think as I close my eyes. "No, no keep them open. That's it Madi. Just keep 'em open."

"Madison are you in any pain anywhere?" I have to think about this question, but as I come up with a reply words won't come out. "Just squeeze my hand for yes and don't squeeze for no." I don't squeeze his hand. "Do you remember what happened?" I draw a blank. "Do you remember where you are?" I look around but draw another blank. "We are going to take you off the field okay. We just have to finish securing you to the backboard and place a c-collar on to stabilize your neck.

"Hey, hey don't cry." Alexis says as she wipes the tears that are apparently leaving my eyes. "And keep those eyes of yours open!"

"Burnt toast." I stare up at Alyssa hoping she knows what to do. As the smell enters my nose I get ready for a seizure but it never comes. I don't know if that's good or bad. I see her whisper to the medic and if I didn't think things were happening fast before they sure are now. I am quickly lifted and wheeled away to the locker room.

"Cameron, no! She has to be checked out!" I hear Ashlyn say and can just imagine her holding Cam back.

"She's probably scared! I need to be with her." Cam shouts but it fades as we enter the tunnel.

I'm so tired of people telling me to keep my eyes open. I bet if they felt as tired as I was they would want to close their eyes too. I just close them too tired of what they keep telling me to do. I don't know how long I had them closed for until another voice awakens me.

"Madi, it's Cameron." I feel someone shake me. "Open your eyes."

Oh Cameron, I'll listen to her. She wouldn't tolerate any shit from me.

"Mads, hey how are you feeling?" She asks as I see tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay." I say because I really do feel okay now after that very short nap but she gives me a skeptical look.

"You were taken down pretty bad, Mads. You were out cold." She grabs my hand and strokes my hair. "They are going to bring you to the hospital to check you out."

"I don't think that's necessary. I am really okay." I say back.

"Madi, you couldn't remember anything on the field and the medics said you had a seizure." I go to shake my head but still feel it restrained by something. "They still got you strapped in everything."

"It was a false alarm. I had the aura right before but nothing followed. I really do feel okay now and I remember what happened." I say as I grab the strap of the neck brace to take off, but Cam puts her hand on top of mine stopping me.

"You should still let them take you. It's better to be safe than sorry. I'll be there with you." She all but begs me.

"Cameron, the insurance only covers so much." I say my main fear of going.

"Don't worry about that."

I don't listen to her and unstrap the brace and buckles around me and sit up. "I'm not going."

"This is your health we are talking about! At least have the team doctor check you out."

"Fine. He can come and run his test right here but if nothing out of the ordinary results, I'm not going." I cross my arms. I can tell she is not happy by my stance but accepts the terms.

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