chapter 15

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Cameron Santiago POV

"I just don't understand why she won't get a head CT or something. Her health isn't a fucking game!" I vent to Kelley. We are seated in her room cuddling as I worry for Madi.

"But the doctor checked her out and said she was okay." I want to argue and mention Madi's medical condition but I bite my tongue. "She doesn't even have a concussion which still blows my mind after the hit she experienced. But don't worry, everyone is going to keep an eye on her."

"I just worry for her." I sigh. "Do you want to go to the coffee shop with us in an hour?"

"I would love to. So how have you been, Cammy?" Ah, that nickname.

"I have been surviving to say the least. It was fine in the beginning, but as each day passed I became more and more lonely and upset of the fact that I left everything behind. But I also didn't want to go back and ruin your lives with the shit my life brings so I stuck it out for months hopping from job to job and state to state. I eventually got caught up with drugs again and it was around the same time I met Madison. She practically saved me and allowed me to move in with her and now I am here. I am my best self right now."

"I was angry at you when you left. I couldn't wrap my head around it and I never knew if you were okay or in danger. I lost hope at one point, but having you here in this moment, it makes me forget and just appreciate the moment. I am so proud of who you became and I know there's still a lot of growth left but seeing you okay and healthy brings a smile to my face."

"Yeah, it's been a lot but time heals all wounds. Have you met anybody since I left?" I ask the question wanting a genuine answer.

"I hopped around just to feel something for months. There really weren't any connections like the one I felt with you. I guess I ended up focusing on myself and my mental health. Talked to a therapist too. How about you?"

"Didn't even think about finding someone. I guess I was just focused on surviving and living that I didn't think of anything or anyone else." I shrug in her arms.

"I'm so happy you are back." She softly says in my ear.

"Me too."

Madison Marshall POV

"I'm alive." I joke as Jessie answers my facetime call. Since the incident on the field yesterday, I have had tons of messages and missed calls from her.

"How are you not in a hospital right now?" She asks in utter shock.

"It's going to take more than a knock to the head to take me down." I chuckle which makes her crack a smile.

"While I believe that knowing who you are, you blacked out on the field. Madi, did you at least get scans done to make sure things are okay."

"The team doctor checked me out," I shrugged. "Figured it was enough. Plus I don't even have a concussion."

"What do your teammates think or your family?" Ha, if she only knew.

"They keep trying to convince me to go get scans done, but I know myself and I am okay."

"You're something else, Madi." She shakes her head and I can see a little disappointment in her eyes. "Just keep me posted with how you are doing. I don't want to wait 24 hours for a reply if you are okay."

"Got it, Jess." I salute her.

"You're hiding something." She says passively.

"Mhm and why do you say that?" I narrow my eyes to see why she thinks that.

"There's something behind your eyes and voice. Something deep has been troubling you and you're using your personality to cover it up acting as if everything's okay." She casually says and I am speechless but quick to get over it.

"Oh, so you want to add 'therapist' to your resume?" I quickly come up with a witty reply.

"I rather add 'observer' to the list of my hobbies." She matches my wittiness. "I've got to go, but I'll call you soon."

"Wait! You can just say that and hang up." I exclaim wanting her to explain why she thinks that.

"Ahaha, I'll just let you ponder on my words." She winks. "Bye bye, Madison."

"Bye, Jess." I say knowing she won't reveal anything behind her words. With that we hang up the phone.

How the hell did she just read me like that? I feel vulnerable and exposed. It scared the shit out of me knowing she knows something isn't right in my life, but I can't fix that. She just casually brought it up as if it was obvious, but that's also Jessie's great observation skills. I need to be on high alert not to do anything to confirm her theories.

I decide to walk off the thoughts happening in my mind, so I grab my keycard and phone. I walk for a while before I notice that the sun has gone down. I look down at my phone and see missed calls from Cameron, Kelley, Ash, Ali, Alyssa, Mal, and Sonnet. What the hell? Something bad must've happened and I curse myself for having my phone on silent. As I go to call Cameron, I hear her voice in the distance.

"I swear to God, Madison, if that's you, I'm going to murder you." I hear Cameron growl as she approaches with Kelley by her side.

"You're going to kill me for taking a walk?" I say confused. "I'm sorry I missed your phone calls, my phone was on silent." I say defending myself wondering why they were overreacting to me taking a walk.

"Madison, you have been gone for hours without a word! I thought something happened to you!" Cameron exclaims. "I went to our room to get you for our coffee date but you weren't there."

"What coffee date?" I say getting more confused by the second.

"What coffee date?" She repeats my words. "The plans we made earlier in the day. We even texted about it."

I have no idea what she is talking about. "No we didn't." I laugh because how is she going to attack me saying things we never agreed to.

"Madison, this isn't fucking funny! Do you seriously not remember?" She looks at me like I'm crazy. I pull out my phone to look at our messages to prove that she's the crazy one. I go to tell her she's wrong, but as I read the messages I realize we did make plans.

"Oh! I remember now! I'm so sorry I got so distracted, Cam. Forgive me?" I lie. In all honesty, I have no recollection of making the plans or sending the texts, but they didn't need to find that out. It will just worry them more but how don't I remember making plans?

"Madison." Cameron sighs. "I forgive you but you gave me a heart attack. I thought you were in trouble when you weren't answering." I hear the fear in her voice understanding what she meant.

"Babe, she's okay. Let's text everyone she's fine and go grab those coffees," Kelley rubs Cameron's back trying to calm her down.

"So, you guys are back together?" I pick up on their body language.

"Nothing official," Cameron responds as she grabs Kelley's hand.

sorry i've been MIA, i've been writing and reading a lot for my summer class and need to focus on that for now. i already have some chapters written out but i really don't have the time to look them over and post, but i didn't want to leave you hanging too long.
much love,

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