chapter 30

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Cameron Santiago POV

"What do you mean?" I sit across Krashlyn in their hotel room. "I thought we had a plan in case something like this happened?"

"Nothing has happened yet, Cam. But if they did, I don't think we can help. We've spoken to adoption agencies and lawyers who both said the paperwork takes at least four to eight months and by that time she'll be eighteen. And we can't foster her because she lives in a different state and it won't be possible" Ali spoke very calmly trying to get her point across.

"So, there's a chance she'll go into foster care for a few months?" I close my eyes and lower my head knowing the answer.

"Yes, but right now everything is okay and well. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Ashlyn says placing her hand on mine.

"But we need too! Social workers keep showing up and aren't stopping anytime soon. It's not okay. She doesn't deserve any of this. I pray she turns 18 before anything happens."

"It's our fault things got messy, but I promise we will fight for the best placement if it leads to that." Ash says.

"You can't choose where she is placed...Wait?" I say as something she said clicks. "What do you mean your fault?"

I see Krashlyn look at each other not sure how to respond.

"It was you guys who said something to the social worker that deepened the investigation?!" I stand up and pace around the room trying to absorb everything. Telling by their faces I am right. "Who else said something? Because I'm sure two people saying something wouldn't turn this into the mess it is." I demand, but met with silence. "Tell me!"

"Kelley, Tobin, Dawn, and Vlatko." Ali says. "We just wanted what was best for her and she wasn't in the best shape at the time and we couldn't think of her going back and taking care of herself alone."

"Alone is better than going into foster care with her disability. Did any of you think that through?!" I run my hands through my hair frustrated. "She only has a few months until she's 18 and she would have aged out of the system so what difference does it make to shuffle her around unnecessarily."

"We thought she needs someone to look after her if nobody is at home-"

"I'm there for her! The team is there for her! She doesn't need anybody. She's been independent for so long. Even with her disability, she's staying with Tobin and Christen because she knows her limits and when to ask for help."

"We are aware of that now. We didn't think clearly at the time, but can you blame us?" Ashlyn gets up to stand in front of me.

I remember back to the stress of Madi in the hospital and the struggles and recovery after. "I need to clear my mind." I say calmly heading to the door not answering her question.

I walk out the room and drop by to mine and Madison's room to grab a hoodie before heading out. As I enter, I see the faces of people that betrayed Madi and anger washes over me. I must've been just standing there for a while in my thoughts as a voice breaks through to me.

"You alright, babe?" Kelley grabs my hand but I pull it back out. "What's wrong?"

"How could you," I look at Kelley then Tobin who is next to Christen and Madi. "And you, do that?"

"Do what?" Tobin asks curiously.

"Tell the social workers. This mess wouldn't be happening if people kept their mouth shut." I then look at Kelley, "And you knew not to say anything. I warned you about everything!"

"I wanted what was best for Madison." Kelley took a step toward me but I only took one back in return. "It'll be okay, they reassured us and Ali and Ash are getting stuff situated."

"If by situated you mean having no other option than to watch Madison enter the foster system with a random family or a group home then yes they have it situated. They've talked to lawyers and agencies and they can't do anything, so let's pray to God she turns 18 before they are able to make her a ward of the state." I fume.

"I didn't know." Kelley says lowering her head.

"You two told the social worker about my home life?" I hear a disappointed Madison look between them.

"We didn't know how messy it would get."

"I told you!" I shout at Tobin. "I warned all of you guys!"

"Who's all?" Madison looks at me.

I see eyes on me praying I don't mention anyone else, but I have to, "Ali, Ash, Vlatko, and Dawn."

"So Ash and Ali felt bad for snitching and wanted to take me in to make themselves feel better?" Madison says with a sharp tone as Christen rubs her arm.

Everyone remains silent. "Let's go for a walk." I look at Madison and she nods in return. Nobody says anything else and we make our way out of the hotel and walk down the street.

"They were trying to look out for you." I explain to Madison as I see her trying to take it in and the people she trusted did this.

"I know, but... It's hard to wrap my head around it." She says sitting on the bench we've been sitting on in silence. "I feel lied to and betrayed."

"I'm sorry they did this to you. I warned them all why they shouldn't tell the social worker anything."

"I get it. They had good intentions, but they could've trusted us and our voices."

"Come here," I envelope her in a hug as silent tears stream down her face.


"No! I told you what would happen, Kelley!" I stand in her hotel room as we finally clear the tension after finding out who told the social workers.

"I know, but I was also thinking about you!" She matches my tone. "Her mom is still contacting you and you never asked for this. You don't need to give her anything and she won't stop even if you say no."

"You don't understand! Her mom looked out for me as much as Madison did when I got involved in the "business." I also know Madison doesn't need the stress and this is the least I can do to protect her. Everything I do and say is for her protection. I'm not going to let her go through what I went through even if it is for a few months."

"I didn't think things would fall apart. It happened so fast and we didn't have enough time to research anything." Kelley says lowering her tone into one of defeat.

"Kelley, I explained to you what would happen. Why didn't you take my word for it? Why didn't you instill trust in my words? Do you know how much it hurts that you lied to me about the meeting with the social worker saying you didn't say anything? I feel betrayed."

"It wasn't my intention, Cameron." She takes a step towards me but I take one back. "Please forgive me. I was being selfish thinking about you in the situation and thought Madison's mom out of the equation will take the stress of her off of your back. I did what you did for Madi."

I finally get the feeling Madison felt when I tried to help her with her mom, as Kelley has a point. I was doing it out of love and protection and Kelley was doing the same not thinking about anyone else in the process.

"I forgive you, but please be truthful to me next time. I know it wasn't your intention to make me feel betrayed but you did. Another thing is Madison is part of my family now so what happens to her happens to me and vice versa, so please keep that in mind." I step forward.

"I promise you I will come to you first and talk things out and not hide anything. This was a learning curve for everyone, especially me." Kelley closes in the gap and we rest our foreheads on one another before our lips find each other. It was gentle and nothing but a reviving feeling after the tension of the last few hours.

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