chapter 29

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Madison Marshall POV

I just finished talking to social services about my home living situation. I lied about a couple of things but the interviewer didn't need to know that. I explained how my mom works long hours doing a job she tells me not to worry about. I also told them if she's not at work, she's at home cooking for me and taking care of me. They didn't need to know the truth. I probably raised some flags in my responses, but at this point I just have to let fate play out.

After I finish the interview, which took place in a conference room at the hotel I am staying at for camp, I grab my bag and head over to the lobby where everyone is waiting for me to finish. Once they see me we start loading onto the bus and I take my usual seat.

"Kid!" Tobin shouts a couple of seats from me. "I told Vlatko he should have a 5v5 today, but to make sure you and Christian are on a team and Kelley with Cameron on the opposing team. You've got some competition today." She winks and everyone starts verbally placing bets.

"Wait, this is the first time I'm on the pitch since the accident!" I reply not knowing how not playing for a while will affect me.

"Are you scared our dynamic may just be better?" Cameron replies, stirring up some rivalry.

"I think she just doesn't want us to leave you guys in the dust." Christian backs me up which gains more gasps from the audience on the bus.

"Game on. Let our playing do the talking." Kelley smirks.


"Ali!" I yell and point to the right of the field for her to pass the ball over. Soon the ball is at my feet and I glance up for a split second before putting a touch on the ball and see Christen set up for a perfect opportunity. I cross the ball over to her and see Kelley and Cam making their way towards her, but they got it all wrong. I sprint as fast as I could to Christen and come from her left side as she dribbles to the center. She fakes a shot and passes it to me and just like that we blew Cam and Kelley in the dust. I run over to Christen and jump in her arms laughing.

"We totally have more game than them." She laughs.

"Wait, that wasn't fair!" Kelley pouts. "Let's go again!"

"No no, you and Cameron had a lot of chances and touches with the ball, but Christen and Madison just one upped you guys and even scored." Vlatko says settling us.

"Ash, you owe me!" Ali shouts to Ash in the goal.

"You guys placed a bet?" Cameron says shocked. "Wait, Ali you didn't bet on me?!"

"Christen and Madison have something special going on in the field that is unique. I knew their style might be better than you and Kelley's. You guys are aggressive while they float gracefully."

Kelley and Cameron look so offended by Ali's comment and the rest of the team laugh at their expressions.

"I agree with Ali!" Dunn says and more teammates nod and verbally agree as well.

"I guess you owe us a few words." I smirk to Kelron.

"Don't be a sore loser!" Sonnet shouts as they remain silent.

"You guys did good today and you have a good team dynamic going on." Cam mumbles and looks down kicking the grass.

"What she said." Kelley says.

"With that being the last drill for training today, you guys are free to go." Vlatko says before turning to Christen and I. "Thank you for not letting their ego get to their heads." He laughs.

"Anytime Coach!"

Officially completed my time at Uni!! I'm so happy and to express my joy of graduating, I've written a couple of more chapters :)
best regards,

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