chapter 31

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Madison Marshall POV

"Madison, you've said your goodbyes, we have to go before we miss the flight." My social worker tells me.

"I don't want to go. Please don't let her take me." I whisper and beg into Cameron's neck as we continue to hold our embrace as long as possible.

"Listen, you are strong and everything is going to be okay. I'll see you in two weeks okay." She whispers back, tightening her embrace.

"Shit, I forgot my meds in my room." I say to the social worker.

"You have two minutes." She says and I sprint to the stairs, but little did they know I lied. Before I even open the door to the staircase, Christen and Tobin grab me.

"Madison, you can't run from this. You have your meds so we know what you are doing." Tobin says, looking a bit angry.

I turn to look at Christen, "Please, I need you guys." But all they both do is just drag me back to the lobby and push me over the social worker. As I trip over my feet from the push, my vision goes back.



"Madi it's okay."

I hear someone's voice in the distance. The voice gets closer the more they talk and I get out of this world of darkness. I recall my memory and jerk awake. I'm being taken and my instinct is to run. Before I fully wake up, I sit up and push away from the voices.

"Madison, hey it's just us. You're okay."

"It was a bad dream, sweetie."

As my vision clears up, I see I'm in my bed in my hotel room, but with the dream and feelings of it being so real I can't decipher how I really feel so I continue to back away from the people in front of me.

"Madison, hey look at me." Christen says sitting on the edge of my bed. My eyes continue to frantically look around so she gently places a hand on my chin and guides my eyes to meet hers. "I need you to take a deep breath. You are okay. It's just me and Tobin. Deep breath."
I force myself to take a deep breath and listen to her.

"I think you were having a bad dream, kid." Tobin speaks up after I've calmed myself.

"She was taking me away from you guys and you were just letting her take me without a fight."

"Her?" Tobin asks.

"The social worker came and was taking me away from the team. It was so real. I think because the whole situation is the realest it's been. My mom called me to tell me the social worker called her and by the end she didn't have a good feeling about the overall conversation." I say getting that off of my shoulders.

"When did this happen?" Christen asks.

"Last night after dinner. I didn't want anyone knowing and I guess my suppressed emotions were expressed in my dream... wait, why are you guys in here?"

"Cameron went out with Ashlyn for a little bit and she gave us her keycard so we came in to see if you wanted to do something but you were having a nightmare." Tobin moves off the bed and starts juggling my soccer ball that was on the ground.

"What did you guys want to do?" I toss the blanket off me as I am drenched in sweat from the dream.

"We wanted to see if you wanted to go model for our re-inc page on Instagram." Tobin says.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me just shower real quick. Do you have the outfit you want me to wear?"

"It's on the chair." Christen points.

Soon, I am all cleaned up and dressed up in the clothes that we laid out for me. I quickly dry my hair and leave it down for the camera. I grab my phone and wallet and head downstairs to meet them.

"Do I get to keep these after the shoot?" I ask them as we head out to the car. I'm wearing a beige long sleeve shirt and black shorts with my black vans.

"We'll see. It looks good on ya so maybe." Christen smirks.

"I clean up well." I gloat and whip my hair back causing Christen, Tobin, and the photographer to laugh and shake their heads.

Once in the car, the photographer drives with Tobin in the front seat and me in the back with Christen. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the location. We are at an abandoned construction site with different types of equipment left out. The photographer instructs me places and I do my own thing as she snaps photos.

"You're a natural." The photographer says. "Keep it up."

"Have you ever thought of modeling?" Tobin asks in between shots.

"Never even crossed my mind."

"You should do it on the side. These photos are amazing because you're pulling it off and rocking it." The photographer says.

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