WARNING: The following contains graphic imagery that may not be appropriate for all readers, even if they've made it this far into this collection.
The following is a list
If the sometimes awful things
That my brain whispers to me
Without the slightest prompting
Intruding on my normal thoughts:
Step off the curb
Swerve into oncoming traffic
It's so easy to smash a baby's head in
What if you just cut your wrist?
You could probably kill someone
If you really tried
Follow that stranger
Live in the storm drain
Offer to suck his dick
Walk out without paying
What if you crashed into that pole?
You could fall
You can get away with anything
If you're rich enough
You killed your mom
You killed your great grandmother
I can't wait till my grandma dies
All I would have to do is push her wrong
Break his fingers
I hear humans taste like pork
Cut his dick off
Strangle her
Murder seems so easy
You're useless
You're incompetent
You're a waste of air
Nobody likes you
You have to be the center of attention
Or else everyone will forget about you
Your best friend didn't reply
So obviously they don't love you
You're going to die
Nobody wants you here
You don't belong here
Kill yourself
I just want
These intrusive thoughts
To stop
PoetryA poetic diary of sorts. A collection of poems chronicling my depression, suicidal ideation, and my journey through therapy.