Chapter 4

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—Harry POV—

"Malfoy?" Said Ron in disbelief. I nodded and took a sip of water. He and Hermione now sat across from me in our dining room. After I'd sent the owl they insisted on coming to visit. They apparated here this morning.

"Who would have bloody known..." he said.

"Ron! There are children," Hermione scolded silently.

Rose, Ron and Hermione's 7 year old daughter, played with Teddy in the living room.

"Oh um, Ron, Ginny should be home soon. She doesn't know you're here. Thought it'd be a right pleasant surprise."

"Oh? That reminds me. Don't you work mate?" Asked Ron casually.

I stiffened slightly. "Not since I left my job at the ministry as an Auror."

"You know Harry, I respected yours and Ginny's decision to leave. But why you never gave us an explanation, and cut us off, is beyond me," Hermione said.

At this I looked away from her eyes and my eyes accidentally trailed down to the 'mudblood' scar. I immediately looked away, Guilt filling me. She was right, and I could feel myself overreacting, as always. I just need to control my breathing.

Suddenly Ginny appeared. "Hello Harry, I- Ron!"

"Hey Ginny!" Ron happily gave his sister a hug.

"How are you? It's been so long!"

"I know! I know. Well, Hermione and I are doing great, and little Rose is growing up rather quickly-"

"Oh I need to see my niece, she's with Teddy isn't she."

Ron nodded happily, not missing Ginny's enthusiasm, and she turned to Hermione:

"But before I see her: Hermione, how are you? You know if Ron's being a right git you can complain to me."

"Hey!" He retorted.

"It's nice to see you too, Ginny. Ron's just perfect, I can assure you." She replied with a small laugh.

As Ginny turned to go see Rose, I stood up, quickly excusing myself. "I need the restroom. I'll be right back."

Just then, Hermione gently gripped me by my upper arm

"Hey Harry. Are you alright?" She asked, voice laced with concern.

"Just fine, all I need's a breather. Please, feel free to stay for dinner." She let go of my arm, casting me an unsure glance.

I left upstairs as quickly as I could. Hermione still looked suspicious of me. I went to my room and locked the door, laying on the floor to help ground myself as I took deep breaths. Her scar burnt into my mind. If I hadn't let her go on an aimless hunt for horcruxes with me she wouldn't have that. I clutched my hands tightly. Struggling to breathe.

"Harry. M-Draco has agreed to have dinner with everyone. I know it's last minute, but it'll be fine I suppose, I'll make an extra 2 servings." Whatever it is that Ginny's said from downstairs didn't register to me. Just that she spoke.

I felt myself overheating. I frantically sat up and removed my shirt and threw it across the room. I felt as though there were pins and needles pinching me everywhere and I squeezed myself in discomfort as my knees drew towards my chest. Just breathe. Why is it so bloody difficult?

I completely lost track of time, and the next thing I know a calming draught is being forced down my throat. I felt myself take hold of my surroundings again, taking deep breaths before blinking a few times to see Hermione sitting by my side, asking if I'm ok, and where I got all these scars. I mentally cursed myself as to why I would have even stupid enough to not transfigure my scars away when I knew Hermione and Ron were visiting.

"-you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah." A great sigh escaped me. "I just had a fit is all." As I said that, the feeling of brittle and borderline cracked lips, as well as a raspy throat, was brought to the forefront of my attention. I need water.

"Harry... Where did all these scars come from?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"...are they from the war?" She asked tentatively.

I let out a small exhale. "Something like that, yeah."

"Come on. Malfoy should be coming soon."

"Malfoy?" I was surprised to hear that. He's not supposed to come until Saturday of next week. Today is Thursday.

"Yes. Didn't you hear Ginny? She invited him over. We're making amends."

After a second, I spoke: "And you're alright with that?"

"Oh Harry... I'm alright with anything. I'm always here for you... you know that, don't you?"

I nodded. "You really are the best, 'Mione."

She let out a shy smile before getting up from the floor and holding her hand out to me.

"We ought to look like we were expecting him now. Let's go," she said.

I took her hand in response and allowed her to help me up. She went over to where I threw my sweaty shirt and put it in the hamper.

"Where are your shirts?" She asked.

"The second drawer on the dresser. Long sleeves. Please."

I felt she was uneasy upon hearing me say that, because now she knew I wasn't wearing them for Georgia's breezy fall weather. She handed me a shirt with a small smile. I returned it, and drew in a small breath before speaking:

"Please don't tell Ginny... or Ron. Just say I was finishing up in the bathroom."

"For a whole hour?"

Was I really preoccupied that long?

"Stomach pains."

And with that we started out to the living room where Ginny, Ron, Rose, and Teddy resided.

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