Chapter 47

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—Harry POV—

"The letter you got yesterday was from your Muggle relatives?" I tensed, before nodding in agreement.

"What did it say?" I noticed his tone was becoming more stern and protective.

"It... it's nothing really-"

"Well, 'nothing' seems to be affecting you. Where is it. I want to read your owl."

"It's not an owl-"

"Whatever. Your Muggle mail. Show it to me." He said.

I turned over and opened the drawer to retrieve the opened letter from Dudley. I felt the bed shift as Draco moved to sit up. I handed him the letter, and he began reading silently.

"There's nothing bad about this... he just wants you to come over on Christmas Day." he said, looking up from the letter with a soft confusion on his face.

"I know. I told you it's nothing." I replied.

"Then why did you react the way you did?" He asked.

"It's the thought of going back there. He mentioned in the letter that he lives in the same place he used to, except now with his fiancée. I don't know if I can handle going back there." I explained.

"Then tell him that... wait, what was so horrible about-"

"I already told him I'd visit... I don't want to talk about my time there."

"I think you need to." He stated matter-of-factly.

Just as I was thinking of a way to not go into detail, there was a knock at the door, followed by it being opened.

"Dada! I finished the worksheet can I watch a movie?" Pleaded Scorpius. Saved by the bell. Draco sighed, glancing at me.

"Yes. I'll help you choose a movie and set it up." He said, getting up from the bed and leaving. I took a breath of relief. I don't want to go into detail. I don't want to break down again, I don't want the nightmares and anxiety to get worse.

Anything can Happen on Christmas. What if I don't even show up? Would they hunt me down for that? Hurt me? What if nothing happens and I'm just over-working myself? What if all hell breaks loose? What if I get there and then I get trapped, and then I can never leave, and I go back to the way things were every summer of my childhood? What if Dudley is good now? What if his parents come over as well? What would Uncle Vernon think? Will I have to hex them and escape to safety? What if Dudley's fiancée is just as vile as I remember Dudley was? All of these thoughts kept going past me, but not more than one specific question: Why did I ever agree to join him for Christmas?

"I'm back." Said Draco as he re-entered the room.

"Do I really need to talk about it?" I asked. Draco sighed.

"Look, I'm not going to force you to tell me about it." He sat down. "But if it's bothering you to the point where you take this extreme action, deliberately harming yourself..." he paused. "I think it would help to talk about it."

"I know." I said, absentmindedly scratching my arms.

"Stop that." He said, swatting at my hand. I stopped immediately.

"Sorry. I didn't realize-"

"I know." He said softly, his gaze down. Then, without another word, he got up, and moved towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I said, getting up after him.

"The bathroom."

"What? Why?" I asked, following him in. He opened the vanity first, looked in it, closed it, then opened the cabinet under the sink.

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