Chapter 21

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—Draco POV—

—Warning: Suicidal actions—

Draco, by the time you're reading this hopefully I've fixed things. After today I'll never be able to cause problems or pain again. No one will ever die because of me again, and no one will ever be able to hurt me again.

Draco, these past 2 months with you have probably been some of the best two months of my shitty life. I'm sorry that you had to watch me break down so much, and that you never got to see my true personality because my brain had me so fucked up. —

I couldn't finish reading because my eyes were watering. He can't have. My heart was pounding slowly. The parchment was wet with tears but they weren't my own. I was shaking and struggling to find my balance. This isn't happening.

The paper was wet with his tears. This can't have happened long ago. What if I can still get to him? I ran upstairs and grabbed my wand before apparating to the house. My breath was trembling along with the rest of me. I had a death grip on my wand because I thought I might drop it. I looked around frantically, listening and looking for anything. I heard the bath water running upstairs. I made it up there as quickly as possible.

"Alohomora." I said. Nothing happened. The bastard put a locking charm.

"Bombarda!" The knob exploded and the door creaked open, not fast enough for me to push it out of the way.

My blood ran cold as my eyes witnessed the scene. I was frozen, unable to move or speak, stuck there. Harry was sat in the tub staring back at me, fully clothed in a short sleeve shirt an jeans, his face was lined with dried tears, his hand holding a small blade, the bath water was running. I thought I might've been sick.

"Harry- Harry, put it down, please." I said, my voice wavering. He didn't move.

"Harry please don't-" I stopped myself to think.

"Don't do this." I felt tears welling up in my eyes, crawling down my face. I didn't wipe them off.

I slowly and carefully approached him, as though one wrong move would make his life immediately end. I tried to get a hand on the knife, his grip tightened.

"Please..." I said, my voice in a small, broken whisper. "let go." After a moment, he closed his eyes, curling up to hug his knees. I tossed the knife down into the hallway through the open bathroom door, and I turned off faucet for the tub.

"Harry..." he still didn't answer me, instead hugging himself tighter, he was shaking as much as if not more than me. I couldn't tell if he was crying or just sitting there.

After a moment, he spoke in a guilty and shaking voice. "I should have just... left a note saying I'd gone home and-" he took a large breath of air, more of a gasp.

"No, no because then you'd be gone you can't-" I couldn't finish the sentence before letting out a small cry. Things went silent again.

"It's the only way to stop hurting everyone. It's the only way to be free from my nightmares and my flashbacks. It's the only way. You have to understand." He cried silently.

I couldn't respond verbally. I shook my head slowly and sternly. My eyes were screwed shut and I allowed myself to fall into a sitting position next to him outside the tub. My head snapped up at the sound of a distant feminine voice:

"Harry, I'm back from the store. Why is there a knife in the hallwa-" she turned her head up, and just stood there staring at us. It must've been quite the sight. Your husband sitting in a bathtub with his clothes on and crying with various scars along his arms, and your former enemy sitting next to him, also crying.

"Teddy... put your shoes back on. We're visiting Ron and Hermione." She called towards the bottom of the stairs, her voice cracking a bit. Her eyes were still fixated on me. I could only let out a sob. Silently cursing myself for being unable to hold it back, and for being unable to talk to Ginny. Who promptly turned around and left- a look of shock still on her face.

I inhaled sharply and turned to see Harry. He was still sitting there hugging himself. his head was in his arms, and he was still shaking. I brought my hand to his and squeezed it tightly. He squeezed back.

"I just want it all to be over. You know?" Said Harry after a bit, still crying.

"You can't do that. This isn't the way to fix things, this won't fix anything Harry." I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Let's- let's get you out of... out of the tub. And put on some dry clothes? And..." I swallowed hard and squeezed his hand yet again.

I shakily got up and took a few deep breaths. Glancing over at Harry. I let out another small cry, which I restrained. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. I need to at least try to compose myself. I heard the sloshing of the tub and finally the opening of the drain. Then I felt a presence in front of me. I opened my eyes and was greeted by emerald green eyes with a shattered soul. My heart broke. I hugged him like I would never be able to hug him again and I let myself cry without restraint. He's safe. He's here, with me.

I inhaled sharply.

"Never, try to do something, That bloody stupid, ever again. Please." I told him. I felt him nod into my shoulder, followed by hearing a muffled sob. I hugged him tighter and he did too.

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