Chapter 53

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—Draco POV—

It was very different from waltzing. Enormously different. My feet are sore, but I'd never had so much fun while dancing. I also learned that Harry, in fact, cannot dance for the life of him.

Even walking home with Scorpius and Harry, I'm still catching my breath from the fast paced dancing. I'm covered in dry sweat, and Harry looks about ready to pass out. But I know we all had fun.

I opened the front door, letting Harry and Scorpius in, before closing and locking the door.

"Let's get a quick shower guys." I told them both.

"But Dada-"

"You smell like a quidditch athlete after a game. Shower." I told him, pointing a finger towards his bathroom. He pouted, going straight towards the shower. I followed him in.

"Give me your shirt please so I can wash it."

He looked at me, then back at the buttons he was struggling to undo. I sighed, crouching down to help him.

"Here, I've got it." I took his shirt off for him, then went and turned on the faucet, before leaving him to shower in peace. I took off my own shirt, draping it in the same arm I held Scorpius's shirt in, then went to my room, where I saw Harry's clothing on the floor, and light seeping through the closed bathroom door. I could also hear the shower running. I picked up his shirt and pants, before speaking through the door.

"I'm going to clean our clothing."

"Okay." I heard through the sound of the running water.

I went outside, where I could hear the, now quiet music, as well as some tipsy laughter. They really know how to have a party. I thought to myself, setting the shirts on the floor.

With my wand, I hung them all up, and cast a cleaning charm on them all. Then, I cast a drying charm. Having them now all clean, I grabbed them again, going back inside, and hung them all in their respective places.

—Harry POV—

I stepped out of the bathroom, now in my sleeping attire, and signaled to Draco, who was reading the same book from this afternoon, letting him know he could take a shower now.

After that, we were both laying in bed peacefully. He was playing with my hair, and I was just laying there, relaxed.

"Tempus." I heard him whisper, and watched as the numbers 11:30pm appeared in front of us, then vanished into a wisp of smoke.

"Hey. At what time do you plan to be at your cousin's house?" He muttered, looking at me for an answer. I tensed. I had completely forgotten about the Dursley's. I took a strained breath in.

"I guess, by lunch?" I said warily.

"Okay." He responded.


As exhausted as I had been, I didn't sleep too much last night.

We opened presents by 9:00 in the morning because Scorpius simply couldn't wait any longer knowing there were at least 10 presents with his name on them.

Draco somehow found a way to sneak out of the house and get me a present. It was a machine that released essential oils into the air. A diffuser. He claimed that 'It smells like flowers' and that it would help me relax. He said we would try it out together one day. Just, lay down and let the machine run. He said it would be nice.

I was quite happy. And I gave him a hug, thanking him for everything. Then, I pulled out my present for him. It wasn't much, I didn't want him to be there when I got it, but my anxiety, and his over-protectiveness, prevented that from happening. So I explained that we would go to the book store within the week, and whatever books he chose, and however many, I would pay for. That way, I knew he would like it, and I wouldn't have a panic attack in the middle of a store alone. His eyes lit up at the mention of the book store. He gave me a hug, thanking me, and expressing that he could 'finally read new books after so many months'.

Scorpius got loads of things. Clothing, toys, and a video game console called a Wii. I was a bit surprised about that. Especially considering it was not only a Muggle technology, but a modern one at that. And Draco still throws a fit whenever he forgets how to turn off the oven. I hadn't even really known that it existed. I had only recognized the brand name, Nintendo which was the same brand as the video game console Dudley got on his 11th birthday. I remembered because of how many times I'd sit in his old bedroom staring at it. Wondering how on earth he'd broken it so quickly. I remember tracing the letters over and over on days that I'd get locked in. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Except the words Super and Entertainment were scratched up. Scorpius also got some video games to go with it.

"Are you alright?" I snapped out of my daze.

"Yeah. I'm perfectly fine." We were sitting in the room after a frustrating hour of Draco screaming over how many cables there were to plug the Wii into the Tv, and the wall.

"Why are you asking?" I inquired, curious.

"You're just, in a daze. What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Dudley's Nintendo Entertainment System that he got for his 11th birthday, that he broke a day later."

He looked at me confused. " I understand half of those words."

"That's okay." I sighed. "Do we really have to visit him?" I said, shifting uncomfortably and feeling uneasy in the stomach.

"It's your family... not mine. But whatever you choose, I have to know, because Maria is ready for Scorpius." He said, closing the book he'd just finished its second time, getting up, and putting it on a shelf in his room.

"I can't bail. It's wrong." I said, staring into space. "You'll be there..."

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"I just- wanted to make sure..." I took a deep breath. "What's the time?"


"We have to go in a few minutes."

"Well I'm dressed." He said, signifying that I'm the only one not ready for this. I didn't move though.

"You need to get dressed if you're going to go... and remember, it's cold over there, colder than here." He said. I still didn't move.

"Maybe I can freeze time and give myself more time to just sit here and procrastinate?" I asked.

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