Chapter Nine: Nick

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Chapter Nine: Nick

My sister glided beside me as I walked home. There was an extra bounce to my step, and she noticed. "Are you happy, Tasha?" she asked kindly.  

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Yes, Viola I am so happy right now. It has been so long since I felt happy I had truly forgotten what it felt like. Now I know and I love it, I only wish you were here, but you are here with me in spirit, and he said that he loves me, oh Viola!" I said overjoyed, while stopping. She walked right through me.  

"Oops..." she giggled, "and yes? What?" 

"I feel like I am starting to mend the other half of my heart, I will always love you but someone else is helping me fill that dark hole you made when you died." then I suddenly felt sad, I was replacing her. I hadn't wanted this to happen.. 

"No! Do not be sad, sister. You are supposed to replace me, never forget me, but love someone else, let them love you. You matter, you need more friends than just your sisters spirit!"  

I understood. The utter complete feeling of knowledge and understanding gripped me. I loved the feeling. I didn't feel happy, yet I did not feel sad either. I felt at peace, I felt like I was just there. I wasn't feeling anything, yet I was feeling everything at the same time.  

I noticed that there was an unfamiliar car in the driveway. It was Honda accord, but what was it doing here? I walked over to it and felt its smooth side. This was my favorite type of car. This car was such a beautiful car. Oh this was a really and truly nice car.  

I reached the door and I turned the golden colored knob. It was cool, and it felt nice against my sweaty hands.  

My sister faded away as I stepped inside my home. 

I saw Nick, my step-dad with my mom. My eyes widened. The all too familiar years built up and spilled out onto my face. "Daddy!" I said. I knew that sounded little kiddish, but I didn't care. This was my real dad. This was the man that had raised me and loves me from the beginning. My biological dad wasn't even my true dad. He was never there for me. And Nick had always treated me like I was a princess.  

I ran into his arms and breathed in his scent. He smoothed my hair and set his chin on top of my head as I sobbed.  

I just cried my heart out. I cried happy tears and mournful tears. Tears of sadness and joy, love and hate, strength and weakness. I had missed my dad and I was still recovering from an unimaginable loss.  

He held me tight and let me cry my tears, I hugged him fiercely in return. Oh how I had missed Nick so much! I missed his string arms, his loving hugs, the way he always listened to me.  

I looked up into his purple eyes. "Hello Tasha," he said, kindness sparkling in his beautiful eyes. "How are you?" "I-I'm okay, now. I have a friend... And he's really nice to me, and he said he loves me and, and, and..." I trailed off, lost in thought.  

"Oh how I missed you my little duckling," he said. "I have already cried my tears for your sister, I am so grateful that you are still here. I know not what I would have done if I had lost both of my girls. Although it might have seemed that I did had your mother not told me how you changed yourself. You look quite nothing like how you did when I last saw you. I am truly sorry it took such grave circumstances for me to be able to come and visit you." he looked remorseful. Like he had done something awful and was now being sentenced to death because of it.  

"Oh father! But you came to me when I needed you, and that is what truly matters!" I said, choking down more tears.  

My mother stood off to the side, a sad look in her eye. Like a parent that had just lost her children. Why did she look so sad staring at me? She may have lost one of her daughters, but she would never lose me.  

I slowly slipped from Nick's arms and walked over to my mother. I hugged her fiercely. "I love you mom." I whispered.  

She hugged me back, tears in her eyes. "I love you too, Tasha." 

We stayed in each others arms for a while, and eventually Nick cleared his thought.  

"Tasha? I have a present for you." he said, flashing a smile at me.  

My eyes flickered over to him, back to my mom, and then back, and stayed on Nick for a while.  

"What is it?" I said finally, releasing my mom from my embrace.  

"Come outside and see." he said, grinning cheekily.  

I stayed rooted to the spot. Was I allowed to go? I looked at my mom and she nodded for me to go, but my feet felt like they were rooted to the ground. I felt stuck, until he finally said "Well? You coming or not?"  

I made up my mind and walked outside.  

The air was fresh and crisp, but I noticed nothing different from when I had come in. Same car, same yard, garage was open. No difference at all that I could see. What did he get me? I noticed that the car had no license plate. Excitement rise inside me. Could it be? No, he hadn't gotten me a car, surely not.  

He pressed something small, cold, and hard into my hands. I fingered it. It was a key! Excitement blew up and danced all over in my body as happiness spun in as well. I felt so loved and happy.  

Three people loved me. Sam, Nick, and my mother.  

I should drive to Nick's house! He could text me his address! I did already get my drivers license. Immense joy bubbled in me. "Thank you!" I screamed, and hugged Nick.  

My mother was watching us, and her expression was oddly peaceful, like she was for once feeling no emotions. I for once had caused her no pain.  

I took my phone out of my pocket with shaking hands and asked Sam for his address.  

I got a text back almost immediately.  

Sam: there's my address love, y? 

Me: oh I just got a car and I want to come to ur place, u mind? 

Sam: of course I don't mind Princess! Come on over! 

Me: On my way!

I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket, and then looked at Nick. "Can I go to my friend's house?" I inquired.  

"It's your car." he said, winking at me.  

I walked over to the car with legs that felt as though they were made of jello. I felt the car's smooth handle and pulled it slowly open, before sliding into the leather-like seat. I pushed the key in and turned it.  

My car started.  

My hands shook awfully as I reached for my seatbelt and pulled it across my chest and buckled it. I then placed my hand behind the passengers seat and used it to look behind me. No one was coming.  

I took the car out of park and put it into drive, and then set out for Sam's house.

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