Chapter Fifteen: Jealous

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Chapter Fifteen:  Jealous

I woke up, expecting to feel Sam next to me. I was thoroughly surprised when I didn't. There was no warmth at all where he should've been. I moved my hands around in his spot. Nothing.  

I sat up quickly. Where the heck was he?! I looked around. I couldn't see him. I scrambled to my feet, causing sand to fly in all directions. I pulled my hair back quickly into a pony-tail.  

"Sam?" I shouted. He was no where to be seen. I looked up at the parking lot. His car was gone.  

"Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh." I started freaking out.  

Chills went up my back. Where was he? My phone was in the car. I had no way of contacting him, or anybody.  

I felt like in one of those horror movies/stories about the boyfriend leaving the girlfriend stranded and then someone kills them and then later on you find out that the boyfriend was behind the death. I didn't want to die.  

But he left me alone. On the beach. In the middle of nowhere, without a car. With no way to protect myself. With no way to contact anybody.  

Even my purse was in his car. I couldn't even use a pay phone if I had to.  

No. He wouldn't have. Something must have happened to him. Maybe somebody needed a ride TI Walmart or something. He was kind enough he would help them. 

The thoughts were still in the back of my mind. What if he really did leave me? What if there was going to be a murderer come and kill me.  

I heard a cackling laugh. My heart was pounding, no facing, no both. I heard my heartbeat. Thu-thud. Thu-thud. It was quickly going faster. Thu-thud thu-thud.  

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Thalia. Thalia.. Prepare to die." I screamed at the top of my lungs, and ran up to the parking lot.  

Sam had just parked his car and was walking to me.He ran over to me. "Hey love! I wasn't expecting you to be up. I ran and got us breakfast!" he pointed to the bag in his left hand.  

"Oh good! I was really scared there for a second. I almost thought that you... Oh never mind. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're here now." I stammered.  

He stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I would never leave you. You're perfect for me. I promise that I'll never abandon you."  

I smiled. "Okay."


When we got home from the horror beach, he quickly excused himself and went home. I got out my keys, so I could drive myself to school. I looked at the clock and realized that I missed my first class already.  

I scrambled to grab my backpack and flew out the door. I started my car quickly, buckled myself, and pulled out of the driveway. On the drive to school I noted that neither my mom or dad had been home. Weird.  

I arrived at the school's parking lot. I drove around to find a parking spot. "There aren't any... Nope not here.. All taken.. Aha! Found one!" I backed into the parking spot.  

I unbuckled myself, opened my car door, and ran out to the door. The principle stood there, tapping her shoe.  

"Detention?" I asked weekly.  

"Detention Miss Rose," I cringed at the sound of my last name. She scribbled up a detention slip for me and ripped it off; handing it to me.  

"Now that that's taken care of, it is now lunch time. You may go eat, presuming you have not eaten lunch yet." She pushed her glasses up slightly.  

"No ma'am, I have not eaten yet today." I replied politely.  

"Good," she said loudly, "now go." 

I walked through the empty hallways and into the cafeteria. Loudness immediately flooded my eardrums as soon as I pushed open the heavy door. I saw lots of people but who I really cared about that I saw was Sam.  

He was smiling and laughing, at his usual group of guys. Wait.... There was a girl on his lap. I quietly seated myself at an empty table and watched what he did. He fed her a strawberry, then he took out his phone. He appeared to be texting someone.  

My phone buzzed.  

Sam: hey love! I'm hanging with the new girl. I see ya over there. Come and say hello.  

Me: what the crap?! I'm so confused.  

He frowned looking at his phone. Probably my text. He glanced at me with his dark brown eyes before replying.  

Sam: about what? Am I not allowed to have someone sit on my lap? 

I bit my lip so hard it started bleeding.  

Me: no Sam!!! I'm feeling kind of left out here.  

Him: I'm sorry!!! I really didn't mean 2 make u feel that way! 

Me: well either way I still am.  

Him: :'(  

I saw the girl pet his face. He stopped her and said something to her. It looked like "I have a girlfriend."  

She pouted.  

Me: <\3 

Sam: I told her not to<3 

Me: <\3 

Sam: I'm sorry, I'll come over there.  

Me: thank u 

Him: anything for you cupcake 

I pushed my phone back into my back pocket. And I saw him do the same.  

He said something else to the girl and she got up, pouting and slightly enraged. Then he made his way over to me. "Hey honey," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pecking me on the cheek.  

"Hey," I replied quietly.  

"How're you?" he asked me gently.  

"Okay," I said in a small voice.  

"Are you jealous of her? Because if you are I swear she means nothing to m-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips, and i turned around to face him.  


The bell rang, and everyone started leaving.  


We walked out together to my science class in the midst of the storm of people trying to get to their classes. And then we parted so he could go to his math class. I sat down at my seat, pulled my books out, placed then on the desk, turned my attention to the front, and stared in horror.  

It was the new girl. And now that I got a good look at her, she looked exactly like my sister and I, before I changed my looks.

"Class I believe you've all met Viola?"

Her perfect blonde hair fluttered clumsily around her shoulders. "Hi!" she waved, and the bracelets around her wrist bounced around together making small noises.  

I took in her outfit. White ballet flats, bleach/jean shorts, light pink top, and her signature bracelets.  

Just like Viola.

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