Chapter Sixteen: The Candy Shop

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Chapter Sixteen:    The Candy Shop

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was as though Viola was standing there, right in front of me. No, Viola was standing there in front of me. This girl was named Viola, and she looked exactly like my sister.

Coincidence? I think not.

The question was how. How? How had she been risen from the dead- no. I was thinking utter nonsense. It was scientifically impossible, and Jesus wasn't down here to raise people from the dead or anything. So it must be a cruel trick being played on me.

I wouldn't believe this.

Viola walked up to me, and slid into the seat next to mine. I was sent swirling back into a memory.


The cops were everywhere. I couldn't understand how they couldn't find Viola. I wouldn't lose her. No. We were too close and our tenth birthday was tomorrow.

Outside it was a dark and dreary night. I glanced at my clock. It was now 11 o'clock and Viola had been missing since 5.

I was in my bedroom with the lights off, face practically pressed to the window in the hope of seeing my sister. My clock was on my window seal and I kept checking the time.  

Lightning crackled.

"Come on Viola... Where are you?" I murmured.

I stood up and began pacing around the room. Where else could she be?  

My eyes widened as I realized I knew exactly where she was.

Earlier, about four o'clock we had started playing with our puppies we found on the street. We didn't want our mom to see so we brought them into the attic. Our attic only had one way in or out, and if that way was blocked nothing could get out.

I remember my mother coming down the hallway around the time I was getting out.

I had quickly pressed the button to bring the stairs back up.

I must've shut Viola up in the attic! I let out a sound of horror and bolted for the stairs to the attic. I ran into our living room, pressed the button, and heard Viola snoring.

"Viola!" I shouted. The puppies yipped and yapped at me but didn't dare come down.

I heard movement. "Tasha! You came back for me! I thought I was going to die."

I started crying as she came down. When Viola got to the bottom then she promptly ran over to me and hugged me so hard I could hardly breathe.

"Thank you for getting me out." she said. I sat down.

She walked over and sat down next to me.

*end of memory

I couldn't focus in class. It was too hard with Viola sitting right there next to me. 1 bit my lip to keep from crying.

This was almost too much. I tried concentrating on what the teacher was saying, but I was all too focused on the fact that Viola was here. In person.

Whoever she really was I knew that she was somehow related to the fact that I no longer saw my sister's ghost. I couldn't get the idea out of my head that this might actually be Viola.

No. I couldn't do this. I got up and ran out of the classroom feeling more alone than ever. "Tasha!" I heard him snap.

But I never listened. I ran outside. Sam was there talking with another girl. Another girl again. He hugged her.

My eyes widened and finally I stood there, tears falling down my face. This was it.

The whole class was let out to find me. "Hey look. There's that idiot that ran away!"

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