Chapter 6

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Boulders were being launched at high speeds which Hum had to dodge. Some were also coming back at him. He couldn't counter but he knew someone else who could. He called out to Alfred for assistance. He just needed him to destroy the boulders so he can get closer to Jaylyn.

Although he didn't want to help him, Alfred knew he had to. So he begrudgingly summoned his staff and shot each boulder out of the sky. All the boulders crumbled and exploded into dust. Jay knew she couldn't use them anymore but she had 1 more trick up her sleeve.

Hum watched as dust of once boulders dissolved into the wind. He then sprinted towards Jay at high speeds. But just as he was about to reach her, he stopped in his tracks. He looked and rubbed his eyes and tried to look again. He saw something he never expected.

He saw 2 of Jaylyn, and then a third, and a fourth, and so on and so on. He saw multiple Jay's appear again and again. He knew her last power which was duplicate or cloning. He tried to punch one of the clones but when his fist touched, the clone poofed into a cloud of dust. He tried punching another, same results.

He tried figuring out which clone was the real Jay. Then one of the clones punched him and another kicked him. He figured out that he couldn't touch the clones but the clones can touch him. He tried desperately to dodge each punch and kick from all the clones. But they were getting more and more aggressive. He needed to think of something quick if he wants to win.

He then remembered Alfred's Thundercrash ability and how when he does it, he leaves AoE aftershock waves. He called out to Alfred once again. He called for him to use his Thundercrash ability. He rolled his eyes and got into position to launch. His body started to get enveloped by lightning. He searched the clones for the real Jay first. He found the real one and planned to avoid hitting her area.

He launched at high velocity speeds and crashed down on a group of clones. All of them dissolved from the impact, those that didn't dissolved from the aftermath. He did it again on another group of clones. He kept going until it there was a small group of clones left. He left that group alone because one of them was the real Jay.

After getting back up, Hum rushed towards the group that only had 5 clones and punched 4 of them. All 4 dissolved leaving the real one. Jay now with no more options remaining backed up. Hum stepped towards readying to attack her. But he felt a chill all of a sudden. He looked back and saw Alfred staring at him as if to say "Do it and you'll suffer an eternity of pain."

Hum looked back at Jay who was bracing herself. He lent out a hand to her. Jay confused on why she wasn't being attacked, she looked up and saw his hand. She grabbed it and Hum pulled her up. Hum gave her a handshake and asked if that counts as a win. She smiled and said yes and that she would be happy to help him.

Both of them walked over to where Alfred and Themy are. Alfred shook off his previous look and acted like nothing happened. Hum knew exactly why he did that. But it doesn't matter now because he has 7 more bosses to defeat.

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