You're Mine Sunshine

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(Slight smut. Like a teeny bit. stuff, idk, skip if you don't like it.)

Naruto is 8 years old now, it was his birthday, and Sasuke came to celebrate. The clock read 7:46, both the boys on Naruto's bed. "Hey Sunshine, have you ever been kissed before?", the raven haired boy asked, age 9. Naruto blushes at his words. "N-No" he manages to say with a pink tint on his cheeks.

" You know my favorite part of you are your cheeks, they're so soft and warm." he says looking at Naruto. "Thanks S'uke, that makes me feel special and happy!" he smiles. Naruto had a crush on Sasuke, so hearing this made him happy.

Sasuke gets off the bed to turn off the lights then goes under the warm blanket. His face popping out. They sometimes have sleep overs, and they sleep in the same bed. Naruto tells himself it's alright because they're best friends.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Sasuke asks. Naruto nods. "Who is it?" he asks. "Y-You don't have to know that!" he stutters out. "My big brother told me that when you love someone you kiss them on the lips. You also do things together with them, without any clothes." he says as he sits up. "Oh, like showering together?" he asks. Sasuke smirks. "That can be an option."

  "Sunshine do you want me to leave you?" He asks. Naruto looks up immediately and hugs his arm, "no I would never want you to leave me! Don't leave me. Stay with me forever." he says as tears form in his eyes. "Then would it be alright with you if you were mine?" he shakes his head up and down quickly.

  Sasuke's lips brush over Naruto's, the blond boy blushes a deep red. "Can I kiss you my little sunshine?" He shuts his eyes tight, and whimpers a yes. Sasuke goes for it, pressing his lips against his sunshine. Tears roll down the blond boy's face. His hands shiver, but Sasuke holds the small hands. Comforting him.

  He pulls away and leans his head on the boy's shoulder and smiles. "I'm so happy you feel the same way" the raven said. "I'll never leave you alone S'uke."

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