He's Back

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Naruto was blushing furiously as a naked Sasuke sat before him. He washed his pale body as Naruto made silly mustaches and beards with the bubbled. "You never change Sunshine." Sasuke said. Naruto laughed, remembering when they took baths together.

"Remember when we took a shower together?" Naruto blushed at his words. It was their first shower together, sure they took baths together, but not standing naked with no bubbles to cover them.

"S-Sasu-ke~.." Naruto moaned at Sasuke's touch. "N-No..what if they..n-naa~..hear u-us?.." Naruto referred to their still-alive parents downstairs. Sasuke was on his knees sucking him off, and Naruto was backed to the wet wall. He had one hand on the metallic handle tightly. The shower head was spraying on the bathtub, hiding his moans. "Then don't be so loud Sunshine."But in reality Sasuke wanted Naruto be loud. He wanted to hear Naruto shout his name in pleasure.

  "If you want me to stop, make me." He hummed, sending vibrations, Naruto shivered at the feeling. "N-No, m-more. I- want more.."

  "Fuah~..!" Naruto came into Sasuke's mouth.

  They were almost 13, you could say it was their hormones. Or Itachi's teachings. Sasuke kept sucking him off. "S'aske~..mmahh...ahh~  I can't anymore!" Sasuke was getting turned on more and more. Sasuke stopped, Naruto whined at the loss. "Naruto..can you help me?" Sasuke said. Naruto looked down at Sasuke. "That's what people who love each other do right? Okay." He agreed.

  They switched positions, now Sasuke was backed up against the wall, and Naruto was on his knees. With a flick of his tongue Sasuke moaned. Naruto took the whole thing in and bobbed his head up and down. "Fuahh..N-Naruto..you're so good at this.." Sasuke moaned. He swirled his tongue and Sasuke grunted in pleasure.

  "It's okay, I won't do it, I just want to love you. And I'll wait for when you're ready." Sasuke said with a smile. Naruto wanted more but he decided against it. Sasuke kissed his nose and laughed with him. Making more bubbles, so many that they started falling out the tub.

  The door suddenly opened, they both flipped their head to the intruder. "Uhh..sorry.." Itachi   shut the door. Naruto started laughing, Sasuke joined along. It was as if they were kids again, but without the horny stuff. 

  An hour later they were dressed up in their sleepwear laying on the same bed. Sasuke was spooning Naruto in his sleep. They both had smiles on their face. It was as if they didn't know what would happen the next day, and well, of course they didn't.


  Naruto was walking to the convenient store. He had a list full of things to buy, he looks around, enjoying the scenery. There lush green trees swaying, cats napping on porches, birds singing, and..a strange man.. following him? It was only 30 past 9 on a Sunday morning. Why was he wearing a black hoodie over his head? 'A vampire?' Naruto chuckled at the thought.

  Naruto decided to go wander around, 'Maybe we're heading the same way?' he thought. After a couple of random turns he panicked. He fastened his pace and headed for a turn. "Fuah!", the man with the hoodie over his head pushed him up against the brick wall. "Hello Kitten, I'm back." The man had a slithery, cracked voice, his hand went across his cheek and touched the scars he made. Naruto immediately recognized it. It was the killer of his parents and Sasuke's parents. He was also the man who gave the scars on his cheeks.

"Leave me alone!" Naruto tried to get out of his grasp but he got a punch instead. "Ugh.." Naruto spit out the cracked tooth and blood onto the cement. "Oh how long I've waited!" The man let go and pulled down his black hoodie. He had pale skin, and slitted eyes, like a cat, or a snake? He had some makeup on, or perhaps birthmarks. The man licked his lips with a long pointy tongue. "It's been a while, I'm Orochimaru, Na-ru-to!" He giggled at his name.

Naruto got shivers up his spine. He tried to run but Orochimaru grabbed his arm. "No!" he tried punching his face with his free fist but the pale man dodged like a quick snake. He pushed Naruto onto the ground and started kicking his stomach and ribs. He took a picture of the boy then crouched down and started laughing.

"You're boyfriend is next, he's going to get killed because he-," he paused to stand up and crack his knuckles. "TOUCHED WHAT'S MINE!" He left the alley but was stopped by a strong grip on his arm. "Please! No don't touch him.." he turned around to see a blonde crying and holding his stomach with his other hand.

"That's not up to you Kitten." He snickered and pulled away. "Please! I-I'll do anything!" he cried out. Orochimaru looked down on him and sneered. Naruto shivered when he felt something slimy go up his neck. It was the man's tongue. "Crybaby much? I wonder how that boy even fell in love with you. I would be a better much partner for Sasuke." Naruto's eyes widened.

"But hey, seems like I have a liking for such sad and pitiful creatures like you. If you never never existed maybe he would fall in love with me. Haha just kidding! I'm not some hormonal teenager! Though I wish I was.." he mumbled the last part. "Anyways don't get jealous! I only have eyes for you." He winked.

Naruto punched him in the eye. "Don't- Don't you dare speak about him!" Orochimaru groaned and held his eye, Naruto meanwhile took this chance to run. Even with the pain in his chest from the beating he ran. The adrenaline took him all the way home.

"Shit! The food!" Naruto groaned. 'I'll make up an excuse.' He mentally noted. He walked in the house and tried to act as if nothing happened. "Naruto! What happened?!" Itachi ran over with a towel and wiped away the dry blood. Hearing Itachi Sasuke went down the stairs.

"Naruto!" Sasuke cupped Naruto's face and turned him around to see anymore blood or another bruises. "It's okay I just walked into a all." He playfully chuckled scratching his neck. Itachi placed his hands on his hip, he had the face of a worried mother. Itachi sighed, "You sure? You can tell us anything."

"I'm okay! I just wasn't paying attention." He waved his hands in front of his face and smiled. "Baka!" he earned a head chop on the top of his head from his boyfriend. "Welp, I got to go restroom!" Itachi and Sasuke looked at each other as Naruto walked to the bathroom.

Naruto looked the door and grabbed the med-kit on the wall. He took out the bandages and pulled off his shirt. He treated his now-purple bruises and then something caught his eye. A glint of silver, his old friend from when he was alone. He shut the med-kit and put on his shirt before leaving the restroom.

He walked over to his room and closed the door. He glanced at the clock, it read 10:34AM. He flopped on the bed and hugged his pillow. Tears streamed down his scarred cheeks, he touched them remembering.

  'Naruto saw his dead mother laying, her violet-brown eyes wide open and fresh crimson blood streamed down her neck. His eyes then flicked over to the man hiding in the shade, he was cleaning his knife with a small cloth. Naruto screamed and the scene but the man quickly put a white cloth over his mouth to muffle his screams.

  He watched as the silver knife closed in on his cheek. He saw his eyes from the reflection of the knife, they were filled with fear and tears. He was visibly shaking. The knife cut three symmetrical lines on each cheek. Blood mixed with tears.

"I've marked you, I'll come for you in the future kitten, wait for me okay?" His voice was slithery and cracked, he took off the white cloth of his mouth and disappeared. Naruto fell onto the wooden floor and cried. He saw his mother and tried to scream but the new cuts hurt his cheeks every time he yelled.

  Naruto squeezed his pillow and closed his eyes. Soon he drifted to sleep.

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