Pet Fish

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1 Week Later

Naruto has been distant, he doesn't let anyone get near him, no hugs, no jumpy and excited Naruto. And Sasuke has noticed this, they do kiss each other and the date they had made them happy. It distracted Naruto for the day.

Itachi left back to college and Sasuke got his room back. He's just been cooped up in his room, eating in there, even coming back from school he instantly returns to his room.

"Ne, Sunshine?" Sasuke asked with worry. "Yes?" Came a muffled voice.

"Can I come in?"

"Um..let me change first." Naruto grabbed a baby blue long-sleeved shirt and put it on. He opened the door and sat back down on the chair. "Um, you alright? You've been distant." Sasuke gripped Naruto's hand. He flinched and pulled away quickly. "I'm alright! Just been studying for the upcoming tests! This time I'll do better that you!" Naruto clenched his fists and smiled.

"You can try." Sasuke snickered. "Do you wanna do something?" He changed the topic. "Uh, like what?" He tilted his head a bit in curiosity. "Hm, we can go get take out or...get a pet!" He jumped at the idea.

Naruto smiled. "Yeah! We can buy it's food and and- let me get changed!" He ran to his closet and let the piles of clothes fall out. "Or we could do laundry." He set his hands on his hips and gave him the seriously? look. Naruto groaned and kicked the piles of clothes to a corner.

He grabbed some jeans and a sweatshirt and went to the restroom. "Hey, you can't change in front of your boyfriend?" Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto turned around and blushed then went into the bathroom. Sasuke only chuckled. He decided to clean the room.

Naruto winced as he slowly and painfully pulled off the clothes. The bruises covered his body, he tried hard not to make a noise and break down again. He placed his fingers on the dark purple bruises from the day before. He scratched his wrists to forget about it.

Sasuke smiled at his work, but something caught his eye. He saw a glint of light in the corner of his eye and saw a blade.

His eyes widened as he looked to the restroom and opened it forcefully. Naruto stood there shocked and confused, his hand was where the handle would be. Sasuke grabbed his arm and pulled the sleeves up to reveal some red skin. "I-It'" Naruto looked down, he couldn't lie to his boyfriend.

"Don't freak out please. I'm handling it." Naruto looked at Sasuke with pleading eyes. The raven huffed and crossed his arms as they sat on the bed. "Nice job by the way." He complimented him as he looked around the clean room. Sasuke growled.

"Okay..I haven't been cutting myself.." the blonde played with his fingers, trying to avoid the raven's glare. "If something is bothering you, tell me." Naruto's eyes widened and he shook his hands in front of his face. "No no! It's nothing like that. Just stress, and it's just some scratching."

"Jesus, Sunshine." He hugged the blonde tightly. "I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to go through that again." He looked into the blonde's eyes. "Did..Did I mess something up?" He asked with worry, he had his arms around the blonde's neck. "No you didn't. Of course not. It was just stress. School work." He smiled reassuringly. He pulled away from the raven's embraced and stretched his arms in the air.

"C'mon, lets get a pet snake!" Sasuke tried to forget about what happened but he couldn't. He was filled with worry and helplessness. He took the silver blade and hid it in his room.


"Wow Sasuke!" The shorter blonde jumped and looked at all the animals. "Hi Kitty!" He smiled at the round fur ball. He then watched the fish swim around the rocks and leaves. "What about a spider?" Sasuke looked at the clear glass tank. He found it hiding under some bark.

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