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This story was supposed to be only a few chapters short, but I keep adding more things, so I'll try to make each chapter longer, 1,000 words per chapter so there will be only a few more chapters.

  "Orochimaru-San, I have information on your lost pet." Hearing this, Orochimaru's stern face quickly showed interest, he faced the boy with the glasses. "His name is Naruto Uzumaki and he goes to Konoha High. Our client, Sakura Haruno is paying for our services."

  "Na-ru-to..the word simply wants me to torture him." He licked his lips.

  "Which team should we send?"

  "None, I'll do the job myself." He smirked. "Pack all my items, I'll be leaving in a day." He sat up from his throne-like chair and disappeared into the dimly lit hallways.


  "Have you been ignoring me?" Sasuke stopped in front of Naruto, blocking the stairs. "I'm going to a friend's house." He said with no emotion. He gently pushed the Uchiha, making his way down the stairs and he followed.

"Who's?" Sasuke asked as Naruto slipped his shoes on and tied the laces. "Hinata's and Neji's." He stood up and put his hand on the door handle, but Sasuke's hand got on top of his, not allowing him to open the door.

  Sasuke was hesitant. 'Why would he stop Naruto from going?' He wondered. "Um, be careful and...have fun.." he let go but then kissed the boy's forehead. Naruto's face was flushed pink. 'O-Oh..I guess I'm still deeply in love with him, why was I so mad though?' Time slowed down for him. "Y-Yeah.." Sasuke's face lit up.

"W-Wait!" Sasuke ran up to Naruto, who was on the side-walk. He turned his head toward the raven. "Remember about our date?" He said blushing. Naruto looked completely shocked, 'he didn't forget!'

"Can we go tomorrow at 7? I know a place you'll love." He said. Naruto nodded, smiling a bit. He then turned around and headed toward the bus stop.


  "Neji! Hinata!" Naruto shouted and hugged both of them. "H-Hi Naruto-Kun.. a-are you f-feeling b-better?.." Hinata stuttered and blushed. "Yeah, I am! Thanks for inviting me over!" Naruto gave them a big smile. Neji pat her shoulder. "C'mon, I want to show you something." Neji said.

  "Nejiii~" Naruto whined. "You're too good at this!" Neji chuckled, "Fate let me win." Hinata continued giggling. She brought some beer. "C'mon let's drink!" she said a bit drunk. "Hinata! You didn't stutter!" Naruto said completely shocked.

  She handed both of them a bottle. They were open with salt on the top with lemon.


  "Hahaha! N-Naruto!" Hinata couldn't stop laughing as Naruto tripped. She was drunk. "Where's the dooorrrr~.." he slurred. "Hinata! Oh my gosh he's so drunk!" Neji joined Hinata. "F-Fuck.." Naruto fell to his knees. "Naruto c'mon I'll take you home." Neji said. "I'll walk you two out!" Hinata smiled.

  Naruto was being half-carried to the door. "Wait! Naruto-Kun!" She ran to him and grabbed his hand. Naruto turned around, Hinata got on her tippy-toes and planted a small kiss on his lips. She giggled, " Bye Naruto-Kun!" Neji smiled.

  Naruto only looked dumbfounded. Neji eventually arrived with Naruto in his arms. He ringed the door bell. A raven opened it, "Hey! Is Naruto okay?!" He asked. "Yeah, just drunk, we went overboard. He's all yours now." Neji dumped Naruto on Sasuke and held his two fingers up. "Peace out!" he walked away.

  "S-Sasuke?" Naruto became conscious. "Ugh.. I'm going to throw up.." Sasuke took Naruto to the restroom. Sasuke rubbed his back and tied the blonde's hair back so it wouldn't get drenched with vomit. "Sorry for not being there for you.."

  "No..I- I shouldn't of done any of that.." Naruto looked at his sleeved wrists. "But I drove you to a breaking point.." Tears fell down his pale cheek. Naruto's tan hands tried to wipe away his tears. "I don't care about that, I just want you to be here with me now. And I was wrong to do that, I- I should've talked to you.." Naruto planted a kiss on his cheek.

  "Haha.. you reek dobe.." Sasuke chuckled. "Teme!" Naruto blushed. Naruto started getting dizzy and puked again. "I'll turn on a bath for you, with bubbles." Sasuke said.

  After a while Naruto was naked in the bath. Naruto blushed as Sasuke washed his hair with soap. "Why are you blushing?" Sasuke smirked.  "Do I really have to explain how this situation is embarrassing?" Naruto shouted. "The blanket of bubbles are covering  you." Naruto pouted.

  "Fine, I'll leave." Sasuke said. "U-Uh w-wait!.." he blushed. Sasuke turned around looking smug. "Um..c-can you..c-come in w-with me.." Naruto said in an almost whisper. His face was red and he was looking as his fingers. "What was that?" Sasuke said. "T-Take a bath with me!" He shouted with his eyes shut.

  "Sure." Sasuke started stripping and Naruto covered his eyes with his hands.

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