Save Me

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  Sasuke and Naruto (both 16) are with their friends. Sakura, Ino, Neji, Sai, and Hinata. They're all under the tree, sitting in the shade. Sakura was flirting with Sasuke even though she knows Naruto likes him.

  Sasuke and Naruto are together but they keep it a secret, even though Naruto's feelings towards Sasuke are obvious, most treat him as a pest. Sakura usually tells Naruto to keep away from Sasuke, but he can't help it. And Sakura was getting irritated.

  She wanted to have Sasuke, but Naruto kept leading him away. Although, lately Sasuke has been hanging around Sakura more, and Naruto has noticed this. They all head home, Sakura had started walking home with Naruto and Sasuke and met their father. Itachi knows they're gay for each other, and he's the only one around the house. His father works abroad most of the time.

"Naruto, can you walk behind us? I need to talk to Sasuke about something. Thanks!" says the pinkette. Naruto watched as she laughs, her pretty short pink hair swaying with the wind, holding onto his arm and him smiling. Naruto's eyes began to form tears, but he wouldn't allow them to fall.

As Sasuke walked to his room, the sunshine pecked his cheek. Sasuke looked at him and brushed it off. The blonde boy looked down but was pecked on the forehead, which made him feel better.

Over the weeks Sakura and Sasuke became closer, and Naruto was losing it. Every day he would sit in his room looking through his memories of him and his raven together. He smile dropped when he remembered Sakura running over to Sasuke and giving him a tight hug. And when Sakura punched his stomach, just the two of them because Naruto didn't back off Sasuke. His hand reached over to his mouth. 'I want to be happy, is that too much to ask for?' he thought.

Naruto didn't want to believe it, but everyone in school started rumors of him and her dating. 'They looked so happy together, maybe he's tired of me? I should be happy for him, not sad. I'm so selfish.' he thought as the tears trickled down his cheeks. He hugged his legs. He told Hinata what was going on a day before.

"You deserve to be happy, Naruto. Don't hate yourself, I think Sasuke just isn't appreciating you anymore." She says putting a warm hand on his shoulder.

'I want to be happy with him. He's the only one I can be happy with, if I can't have him..' The boy walks over to his drawer and gets his boxcutter. He walks over to the bathroom and runs the warm water in the bath tub. He gets a paper and a pencil writing a long letter. He drops the pencil instead. 'I know what I'm doing is wrong, but.. I can't handle it anymore. Someone save me.' he falls to the ground, crying. He whimpers, "I just want to be happy with you. Don't leave me. Save me.." He whimpers, covering NBC his head with his arms.

Meanwhile in Sasuke's bedroom. 'I've been distancing myself from him. I know I'm hurting him, but why am I hurting too? Is it because of Sakura? She just doesn't make me feel happy and cherished like Naruto does. I should go apologize. I'm such a jerk..' he says in his thoughts.

The raven walks over to one of the rooms. Itachi's room. He opens the door and Itachi looks up from his computer, a bored expression. "Knock please?" The older raven says. Dark bags under his eyes from working too hard. The smaller raven scoffs. "Do you need something?" he asks Sasuke. "I need.. advice, on how to apologize to Naruto" he says.

Itachi lets out a laugh, "You've finally come foolish little brother!". "What do you mean?!" Sasuke demands to know, his hand landing hard on the wooden table. "Have you barely noticed? You're killing the blonde! I hear himself cry to sleep almost every night! He's been trying to get your attention, but it's always with the bubblegum bitch!" Itachi yells. Frustrated.

"She isn't a bitch!" He yells back. "So you're just stupid and oblivious!", Sasuke was about to say something until Itachi cut him off, "Your Sunshine is getting bullied by Sakura you idiot! I would be surprised if Naruto broke up with you! He loves you too much! I feel bad for him, he deserves someone who appreciates him, what happened to the old, caring you?! Did you get tired of him? Or do you just want another toy?". Sasuke is dumbfounded. He is surprised because of what Itachi said, 'he knew me and the blonde were dating?' he wonders. But he quickly brushes the thought away and runs to Naruto's bedroom.

He quickly opens the door but just sees the cabinets open and the blankets a mess. He hears the water running and knocks on the door. "Naruto? Can I talk to you? I want to apologize for everything." He waits for a response. None. "Naruto?". Nothing. "I'm coming in." He says opening the door and peeking inside.

He screams, looking at the blonde, his clothes soaked with water and blood. The water dripping off the bathtub and Naruto unconscious still inside. Itachi runs in and stares at the blonde boy. "Call a fucking ambulance!" the younger raven yells at his brother.

Sasuke takes the blonde out and presses his fingers against the boy's neck. Nothing. He looks at his wrists and sees blood seeping out of the deep cuts. A box cutter on the floor. "No.. no.. Naruto!" he yells. He tried doing CPR. The tears coming endlessly. The blood becoming stained on his navy blue shirt.

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