I Will Stay By Your Side

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                          Naruto's POV

  It's been a week since that beautiful and emotional night with Sasuke. I learned that someone turned in the murderer of my parents it. Nobody tries to bully me or make fun of me. Well isn't that the same thing? Whatever! Everyone accepts the fact that Sasuke and I are together. Even his fan girls, they created a Sasunaru Club. One actually started bleeding from her nose when Sasuke and I thought we were alone.

  She was fine. Turns out it was just too much brain activity for her. Most of the girls are really kind to us. Although Sakura..erm..I don't know. She apparently likes someone else named Lee I believe. I'm worried for him, but so heard no girl really has a crush on him. Well, I'm not one to judge.

  Anyways, I'm really glad that murderer was caught. When I saw it on the news I just..I didn't know how to react. Of course I was glad but..it was like I was hit in the chest and I had to gasp for air.

  Sasuke has become more protective but there isn't really anything to get jealous of. Hinata has been really low lately, but I'm not sure why. Neji and the others haven't changed.

  "Sunshine!~" I felt arms wrapped around my torso and hands caress my thighs. "Sasuke?" I looked behind me and saw his hair. It started tickling my neck so I started giggling. I swatted his hands away from my legs cause they're my legs.

  I felt him give me a kiss on the back of my neck which made my heart beat super fast. I know I love him. "You won't leave me right?" He asked me. "We've been through a lot of stuff Sasuke. Of course I won't ever leave you! I will stay by your side forever!" I turned around and hugged him.

  By now I could detect whenever be had a smirk. "Me too Sunshine."

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