Trust Me

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Naruto dumped the folder in a trash can next to a bench. He walked across the dark streets being illuminated by street lights. There were no cars. Soon he and Sasuke, who was following him in secret, saw Sakura's house. He walked up to it and opened the steel gray gate.

There was a cherry blossom tree in the side, he walked up to the door that shone light from the inside. He brought his hand to the doorbell and hesitated to press it. He took a deep breath, reminding himself its only one night. His hands shook as he pressed the doorbell. He wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't move.

He bit his lower lip as he heard steps on the other side. His breathing quickened as his heart. His stomach churned when he saw the pink haired girl. "Oh hey Naruto-Kun!",She waved with a bright smile on her face. If Naruto didn't know what was going to happen soon, he would've thought she was beautiful.

But behind that smile were her big green eyes. They were wide, and had a sadistic look. "Momma! Papa! I'll be right back! I forgot to buy something at the store!" she poked her head inside and yelled. She shut the door and grabbed Naruto's hand. She led him to a dark alleyway and Sasuke followed.

She brought a finger to her light pink lips innocently. The she raised her other hand and made it into a fist. He brought his arms up on instinct to protect himself. Naruto's breathing quickened and he shut his eyes awaiting impact. Instead there was none.

"Sunshine." Naruto's eyes opened and he saw Sakura's fist on Sasuke's arm. He grabbed her wrist and pushed her down. "Don't. Hurt. What's. Mine." He said. Naruto took a shaky breath and hugged Sasuke from the back. "Why did you do anything?" He said harshly.

"I-I'm sorry, she can stop them from hurting me.." he said in a low, ashamed voice. "I can do that too." He frowned, he was upset Naruto didn't trust him enough. "I- didn't want to bother you, you always save me, I was going to be fine if I just let her beat me up for one night.." he said.

"No! You're never a bother to me! I love you! I love you so much!" Sakura's frowned at his words. "And you! I'll never be with you! So leave my boyfriend the fuck alone!" He yelled at the pink-haired girl and twisted her wrist. She yelled in pain as he pushed her against the rough wall.

He dragged Naruto all the way home with a fast pace. "I'm sorry Sas'ke! Sasuke!" he was afraid and worried, Sasuke seemed upset, he ignored the blonde's words. He went to his room with the blonde. "I fucking love you Naruto! Just trust me please!" He growled and pinned the scared blonde.

"I love you too! A-And I trust you! I just have insecurities okay?!" He growled back, trying to pull away from the raven's hold. But he was too strong for the blonde. "Then I'll just make them go away." His frown remained and the blonde looked at him confusingly.

The raven pressed his lips against the blonde's harshly and kissed him roughly. The blonde's face grew pink as he kissed back. Sasuke bit hit lip drawing blood from it. Naruto gasped and Sasuke slipped his tongue into Naruto's mouth. Tongues clashed and after some time Sasuke won.

Sasuke let Naruto's hands go as they walked to his bed. Naruto was under Sasuke breathing hard, trying to get oxygen. Sasuke panted and licked Naruto's ear giving him chills. "I'm going to fuck you senseless until you can't remember you're own name." He whispered huskily in his ear. Naruto blushed.

Sasuke started kissing Naruto's neck looking for his sweet spot. Naruto's face couldn't get any redder, he gave sweet little moans and tried to stop them. Tried..

Sasuke smirked when he heard his Sunshine gasp is delight. He marked him with a red spot on his neck, claiming him. He lifted up the baby blue shirt and Naruto gasped in surprise when he felt something on his pink nub. "N-No!" He squeaked feeling the tongue flick his other nub, he grasped the soft dark blue blankets and shut his eyes as pleasure ran throughout his body.

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