Lost Trust

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                            1 Week Later

  Itachi was the first one to leave the table. After what happened, Fugaku began staying more in the house and less at work. Now he only works on Mondays and Sundays. It was morning , Naruto was released from the hospital 2 days ago, his wrists were healing. But there was one that would stay as a scar.

  He wore long-sleeved shirts to cover the bandages and he was starting school again. He did feel some pain if he bent his hand too far so Sasuke or Itachi would help him. "Thank you for the food Itachi nee-san." Naruto said as he put the plates in the sink. He couldn't wash them or wet the bandages so someone else would do the dishes. Sometimes Naruto felt like a burden.

  Naruto grabbed his dark orange hoodie and swung is backpack onto his shoulders. The backpack was orange with some stickers and small anime figures. Sasuke quickly washed his and Naruto's dishes and also grabbed his backpack. Sasuke's was dark grey and plain except with a orange half-finishes bracelet Naruto made years ago. Sasuke never bothered to remind the blonde.

  They both put on their shoes and walked out to the concrete side walk. The cold freezing air hid their faces like and avalanche and were taken back. Naruto giggled a bit and Sasuke smiled. Naruto looked at Sasuke with confusion. Sasuke kept his right hand up, offering to hold his hand. Naruto didn't hesitate to hold it. Sasuke intertwined their hands together and Naruto faced the pavement with a slight blush.

  His messy yellow hair hid his eyes as students from their school whispered. He felt like all eyes were on him, he tried to block the thoughts as he screamed. "Let me disappear.." he mumbled. Sasuke glared at the students. "Shut the fuck up" he said at two girls. Naruto tried to let go of Sasuke's hand but the raven only held it tighter.

  "I have to get to class" the blonde scowled. He was getting frustrated at the raven. "I'm not a little kid ya' know?" He bit his lips. 'Why am I so mad? Is it because just two weeks ago he was ignoring me and now he's caring? What's going on? I don't know anymore!' He thought.

Neji Hyuga came into view and Naruto forcefully pulled away from Sasuke and ran to the brunette. Neji gave Naruto a hug and whispered something to his hear and Naruto looked down. "Yeah I know, I am stupid haha.." he said looking down. "You aren't stupid Naruto, you're just a naive and gullible moron" he replied.

"Hey did your hair get longer?!" Naruto said, running his fingers through the lavender-eyed boy. "Smells like flowers too!" Naruto yelled out. "Whaaaat! I'm so jealousssss" he said with his words dragging. Sasuke watched with jealousy running through his veins. 'No. I have to respect Naruto' he thought. He walked by them to the next class. He heard Neji's chuckles and more compliments from Naruto.

"Actually, Hinata asked if you could come over to our house.". The Hyuga owned a large estate where they all lived together and shared the bills. In fact, they didn't get along well so they acted as business partners. They were fairly rich and owned multiple vacation homes. "To have fun and keep your mind off things."

Naruto smiled, but not his old one that would show his pearly white teeth and his eyes squinting. No, this one wasn't the same. "I guess yeah. When is it?" He said.


                              After School

  Naruto sat on the swing him and Sasuke always sat on. Now only he fits. He grabs some of his hair and twirls it with his fingers. "Hey attention-seeker, why so lonely?". Naruto didn't bother to look up. Everyone had already figured out what he did, and now he has a new nickname. "You just want people to worry about you right? Well now everyone knows why you did it, freak!" the person yelled.

  Naruto looked up and realized who it was, Sakura Haruno. "We know you just want Sasuke all to yourself." she continued.

  'It's not like that' he wanted to say. But he started thinking about it. 'Does he love me? Or is it just pity? He made his feelings clear, or is he just telling himself that?.. Is he even happy with me? I'm just a depressed person, maybe he feels like he has to help me' he stared at the dirt in deep thought. "Hey don't ignore me attention-seeker!" She kicked his hand.

"Leave me alone! I don't need him!" He stood up from the swing. She grabbed his wrist and Naruto hissed. "Get off me bitch!" He yelled before he even thought of the consequences. "What the fuck?! You think you can get away?". She pushed him on the ground.

"I'll make your life a living hell! I'm popular and rich, I can hire someone to beat you daily, so get on your fucking knees and beg for forgiveness, or forever be fucked!" she kicked the dust towards him. He chuckled slightly and glared at her, "fuck you, attention-seeker" he said and ran off.

She snickered and took her phone out. "I have someone new, his name is Naruto Uzumaki" She nodded. "Yes, him. You can do whatever you want, just make him feel pain regularly".

"Yes, that's fine, thanks Kabuto-San." Sakura felt some guilt in her, but she didn't regret it.

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