Tradgedy and Whiskers

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Naruto, age 13 is sitting next to Sasuke hugging his arm. Naruto feels very happy next to him. Sasuke, age 14 shows no interest. Eating his school lunch with his free arm. Everyone in the school thinks they're just friends and Naruto is just really clingy, and Sasuke's fan girls bully him for that. Not physical, but verbally. Yet Sasuke doesn't seem to notice.

After school they both walk home, their hands intertwined. As they walk to Sasuke's front porch there's a foul smell in the air. Naruto sometimes stays over at Sasuke's home, Kushina in the morning tells him she would go to her house, so Naruto would walk with Sasuke to his house.

Sasuke opens the door and screams. The lights are broken and there is dark blood everywhere. And Mikoto's limp body on the table. Her eyes still open but clearly dead. Naruto runs in and takes in the sight. Sasuke throws up on the floor and yells to Naruto to get someone.

Naruto calls an ambulance from the house phone and remembers his mom saying she would come over. He runs and goes in every room. He opens one and sees his mother dead, and a shady man with a sword that has blood. The man gets a napkin and wipes off the blood then sees him.

Naruto screamed but quickly was shut up. The man put a white cloth over his mouth to muffle the screams. He thought of killing the kid but he wanted to torture it first. The shady man brought a smaller knife to the boys cheek and cut three symmetrical lines. Blood flowed out, mixing with his salty tears. He heard footsteps coming closer so he whispered to the boy, "I've marked you, I'll come for you in the future kitten, wait for me okay?". He took the white cloth of the boy's mouth and disappeared.

Medics and police come in and patch up Naruto, as soon as they finish Naruto he runs out into the rain as sees Sasuke. The police left him alone so the blond sat next to him. The rain soaked his raven black hair.

"Leave me alone" he said. "What?" The blonde asked, unsure of what to do or say. "I said leave me alone.. I want to be alone for once." He said between sniffles and sobs. Naruto had never seen him like this. He stood up, unsure of what to do, he wanted to stay and comfort him so he tried to do that. He hugged the sobbing mess from behind but was instead pushed away. "Go away for once!" he said hesitant, immediately regretting it.

He looked up at the boy with blood dripping from his cheeks, his face full of pain. Sasuke knew it was also mental pain. The boy ran into the rain, heading to his home, hoping his father would be there if not here. He later learned Kushina was murdered and Minato went missing. Fugaku was fortunately still alive and so was Itachi. Two days later were their funerals. Kushina's and Mikoto's were right next to each other.

Sasuke came up to Naruto and apologized. Naruto hugged Sasuke and cried on his shoulder. Sasuke stood there, patting the blonde's head. "I-I told you I wouldn't l-leave you, but I did." he whimpered into his chest. The raven kissed Naruto passionately. Both melting into the kiss.

Naruto pulled away and cried some more. Mumbling to his dead mother. Sasuke told Naruto he could live with him, since both his parents are gone. Itachi and Fugaku would also ask for the blonde to come live with them. Naruto agreed and slowly left his mother's grave. Sasuke wasn't so gloomy anymore, he was happier with the blonde around, but soon he would regret leaving his sunshine once again.

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