Do You Still Love Me?

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Naruto kept slipping in and out of consciousness as the doctors rolled him to the emergency room. Sasuke waited outside the room as he cried, his father Fugaku was on the way and Itachi was getting speaking to the nurse. "Don't leave me, I don't want anyone else to go away. It's my fault.." he whispered to himself. His face in hands. "If only I wasn't such an idiot!" he cried.

It was all happening so quickly. "Sasuke I heard what happened!" Hinata said coming into view. Her eyes were looking down. Ino, Neji, and Sai were coming into view. The group was shocked, they have never seen Sasuke so vulnerable. Hinata's hand landed on his shoulder, "I wish I could help.." she said, her voice breaking.

  "It'll be alright Sasuke, Naruto will be alright." Ino sat on the chair next to him. She said those words to Sasuke, but she had a hard time believing it. "It's my fault.." he choked out. He looked up at his friends, his eyes were red and tired, the tears were becoming dry. "It's not your fault!" Ino cried.

  "Isn't it?" The boy with paler skin than Sasuke stared. Sasuke looked at him with regret. Sai was never one to care for someone's emotions. "I mean you do ignore him, he's been getting sadder, but you just give all your attention to Sakura." He said with a glare. Hinata looked at Sai with a disapproving look.

  "Why does he even love you? I mean you're just an arrogant jerk, you may be attractive, but what's that when you ignore the person who loves you the most?" He says with a monotone voice. "S-Sai.. I'm sure he's well-aware if his mistakes. We don't need this right now.", Ino says as her eyes stare at the floor,  playing with her Ash Blonde hair.

  Hinata holds Sasuke's hand, "We may not be Naruto, but we'll always be here for you. Sai does have a point, you've been ignoring Naruto and his feelings. You should apologize when he wakes up.." he says, crouching down to look at his eyes. She gives him a warm smile.

  More tears come down his cheeks, "I was about to.. until I s-saw-..." he puts his hand over his mouth. He suddenly has the urge to throw up but holds it back. He sobs. He remembers when he stole Naruto's first kiss, when they held hands, when gave him a hickey and Naruto was so embarrassed. He smiles at the memories, 'He was so adorable when he tried to cover it up..'

Itachi comes to comfort his little brother. He hugs the raven, giving him a tight squeeze. "Father will be here any minute." He whispers. Sasuke just nodded. Neji just on a chair, speechless. He hated the blonde before, until he proved his beliefs wrong. He long, black sleek hair cover his emotions. He didn't think he'd cry for a stupid blonde.

                           20 Minutes Later

  The doctors come out of the operation room and Sasuke stands up at the speed of light. " Is Naruto going to be okay?" Itachi asks calmly. Sasuke notices the blood on their gloves and the doctors sigh. Sasuke's eyes begin to water. "He can't be seen at the moment, once he wakes up we will contact you." The doctor says.

  Sasuke falls back onto the seat, his knees feeling weak. His tears fall onto the ground as he silently cries. Speechless, a big smile plastered on his face. Itachi lets go of a breath he didn't know he was holding.


                      Naruto's Hospital Room
                                    11:54 AM

  Naruto wakes up. He looks at the white ceiling. 'Am I dead? Am I a ghost now? Is there a Heaven or Hell I'll be going to? Am I a spirit? Can I see Sasuke?' The question hits him like a truck. "Sasuke!" He immediately sits up, then passes out, dizziness taking over.


                                  12:15 PM

  Naruto becomes conscious. He doesn't bother to open his eyes, 'I'm dead?'. He sighs, tears start falling down, soaking his eyelashes and ears. 'I regret it, I regret it all.. I just brought more pain to myself. I miss you Sasuke. Maybe there was another chance. I'm so selfish.'

  He opens his eyes. He raises his arm, pain shocks him. "Gah!" He startles himself. He looks around. 'Am I in a hospital room? Why- I'm alive?!' A nurse walks by and notices Naruto trying to stand up. "Tsunade-San! The boy had woken up!", the nurse with beautiful red hair yells across the hallway. A doctor with a big chest and two blonde pigtails runs over. She looks at the boy then leaves again.

  Naruto sees the beautiful girl's name tag. 'Karin' he reads. "Where is Sasuke?" He tells the nurse. "Calm down, is he your brother?"  she asks, trying to calm the boy down.  "N-No, I live with him." He says as he blushes, and Karin takes notices. She smirks. "All right, he's being called here so calm down and lay down" she comforts him.

  She notices the bandages on his wrists. "So.. is he your boyfriend?" She chuckles, trying to cheer up the boy. He frowns and looks down. "Yes..but I don't think he notices me anymore..". Karin looks at him. Her piercing red eyes showing care. "You're very pretty Miss Karin." He gives her a warm smile.

  "Oh thank you, you're very beautiful too, you're very beautiful for a boy.". He blushes. "I'm sure your Sasuke loves you, he has black hair right? He was crying and mumbling your name, so I'm sure he'll be running here as soon as he hears you've woken up." Naruto looks at her. 'He was crying?'

  Karin stands up. "I have to check up on the other patients, you're a very sweet boy, I hope we meet again sometime, but not here okay? Take care of yourself." She closes the door behind her.

  'Does he really still love me? Maybe Miss Karin is right. He was crying for me.. saying my name. Maybe he still loves me.' Naruto sighs. He lays down and stares at the ceiling. 'So tired..'

  'Do you still love me?'



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