Chapter 6- Lies

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The air in the Castle of Lions since Lance confronted Keith had been terrifyingly electric. Keith knew the other Paladins could feel the tension and anger between the two boys. Shiro had tried talking to him, but Keith had waved him away. He didn't want to talk to anyone about Lance, or even say his name, but all his waking thoughts were about Lance.

They sat at dinner, the night before one of their biggest missions ever and all Keith could think about was how good Lance's shoulders looked. He hated that feeling of being so hopelessly in love. But Lance had been intensely focused on his food, not even looking up at anyone. Keith noticed the other Paladins and Allura and Coran squirming uncomfortably in their seats as their eyes flitted from one boy to the other.

'So,' Pidge said, pushing her glasses back up her nose, 'are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room?'

Keith sighed. He wasn't in the mood for this. He quickly downed the rest of his dinner and stood, announcing he was going to train.

'Are you really liar?' Lance muttered under his breath and Keith narrowed his eyes.

'What did you say,' Keith demanded. Lance jumped to his feet, slamming his hands on the table.

'Guys,' Shiro began but the boys paid him no attention.

'You heard me,' Lance snarled, 'I called you a liar. Too much of a coward to say the truth.'

'I am not a coward!' Keith screamed but even through his anger he knew that was a lie. He was too much of a coward to tell Lance to truth. But if he did, he would lose him. But Keith was losing him anyway. It seemed to simply be his destiny to not be with him.

'Yes you are!' Lance screamed back turning red in the face.

'That's enough!' Shiro ordered. 'We have a huge mission tomorrow, what is wrong with the two of you.'

'Nothing is wrong,' Lance said bitterly. He kicked his chair and stormed off. Keith glared at his back and turned away.

'Keith, meet me in the training room in ten minutes,' Shiro ordered over the sound of Hunk slurping his noodles. Only he was oblivious to the scene that had just happened.

When Keith walked into the training room Lance was standing there with his arms crossed. His face was flushed in anger when he saw Keith.

'What are you doing here,' he snapped.

'Shiro told me to be here,' Keith sighed, 'but I must've gotten the time wrong or something.'

'You didn't,' Shiro said appearing by the door. 'The two of you need to work together which is why you're going to be staying in here until you work everything out.'

Before Keith could move Shiro swiped the training room doors and locked them inside.

'Shiro!' Keith screamed and Lance kicked the weapons rack. But it was no use. They had been locked inside. The two boys spent the next half hour away from each until Lance gave up and sank into the matt and patted the spot beside him and Keith took it.

'Lance look...' Keith began but his voice drifted off, not knowing what to say.

'I'm not angry at you because you said you hate me,' Lance said softly. 'I'm angry because you lied. I know you don't hate me Keith, I know we're friends. You're trying to hide something, something to do with me and I just don't know why. I know I shouldn't have forced you to tell me, but the thought that I had something to do with why you left Voltron, it hurt me.'

'Why I left, it's complicated Lance,' Keith said softly.

'Was it me?'

'A part of it was you, but a lot of it was because I couldn't accept myself. Because I was afraid to let the rest of the Paladins in, because I was afraid I would be abandoned again.'


'I know none of you would do that, but still. Lance, why I left was complicated. I just don't want to hurt you.'

'What do you say we figure this out later and kick some Galra butt tomorrow?' Lance asked, smiling. Gods, Keith really did love that smile.

'Kick some Galra butt it is,' Keith replied and the boys shook hands. The bay doors suddenly opened with a piercing noise and Shiro stepped out.

'Finally,' he said with a sigh. 

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