Chapter 10- Taste

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They barely made it to the hut. Keith couldn't wait. That kiss had driven the last part of Keith completely insane and now all he could think of was the taste of Lance's skin.

Keith gripped Lance and shoved him against the wall of their hut. Lance laughed as they melted away into another kiss. The cold wind blew past them, but their bodies were practically on fire. Keith hand to stand on his toes to reach Lance's lips so he resorted to running his lips down Lance's chest. He felt Lance's arms around his waist and heard his moans as Keith's kisses reached the top of his pants.

'Keith,' Lance laughed, 'the beds are right in there.' Lance picked Keith up and Keith wrapped his legs around Lance's waist and was carried inside. Lance dropped Keith softly into the bed and Keith pulled him closer, entangling their legs together.

'Wait,' Lance said and stared at Keith.

'What,' Keith demanded.

'I want to remember the way you look right now. Flushed cheeks and those beautiful violet eyes alight with fire.'

'Fuck, come here right now,' Keith ordered and they sank into another kiss. They gripped each other tightly and Keith could feel every cell in his body alight with a dangerous passion. Lance's kisses moved downward and Keith moaned in pleasure.

'I love this,' Lance whispered in Keith's ears, his voice husky. Keith gripped him even tighter and pulled him closer, desperate the close the distance between them.

Lance pulled back and Keith watched transfixed as Lance unzipped his pants and pulled them off.

'May I,' Lance asked as he ran his fingers across the hem of Keith's shorts.

'Yes please,' Keith grinned and Lance ripped his pants off.

'Come closer,' Keith whispered and pulled Lance toward him, closing the distance between them. There was nothing but skin between them and Keith wanted that gone too. He wanted this forever, to be near Lance like this forever.

Lance left a line of kisses down Keith's collarbone to his chest. He spread Keith's legs continued the trail of kisses till his ankles. Keith couldn't speak anymore. He let out gasps of pleasure to which Lance grinned. He pulled himself back to Keith's mouth and kissed him, deeply and softly.

Keith wasn't sure how many hours had passed, but Keith and Lance finally rested, lying together under the covers. They had pulled their pants back on but their shirts were lost and they lay chest to chest. Keith was running his hands through Lance's hair while Lance had buried his face in Keith's chest.

'That was really amazing,' Lance murmured and Keith kissed him in reply.

'Lance there's something I need to tell you.'

Lance tilted his head upward and Keith wondered how he could be so lucky to have Lance lying beside him, his brown hair a complete mess and his brown eyes soft with love.

'Yes,' Lance said tracing a finger down Keith's collarbone.

'I never hated you. When I said that, it was a lie, because I was afraid of my own feelings.'

'I know,' Lance whispered.

'You did?'

'The first night here you were kind of delirious on pain meds and you said you had lied about that. Anyway after that I didn't think you actually hated me,' Lance joked, placing a kiss on Keith's jaw.

'Is it bad that I want this forever,' Keith asked, 'you, this hut, all of it?'

'I want it forever too,' Lance murmured, 'but I know one thing for sure.'

'What's that,' Keith asked.

'Wherever we go, you're mine Keith, always.'

Keith gripped Lance closer and kissed him.


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