Chapter 9- Do you believe in love?

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Weeks went by and Keith and Lance stayed on the strange planet. They tried to repair the Lions, or at least get their communications up and working again but they weren't Pidge and Hunk. Keith didn't really mind. In his heart he knew everyone aboard the Castle of Lions was okay and searching for them, and in the meantime he spent everyday with Lance. The two of them had gotten closer than Keith could have ever imagined. They wiled away the days walking through the exotic forests of the planet or climbing trees and watching the sunset. Nadia showed them many of incredible sights. At night they slept in the hut, separated by the space between the two beds but Keith didn't care. They were so close. And they often talked far into the night. Keith learnt so much about Lance and he still wanted to know more.

'Hey hurry up, this surprise is gonna be worth it,' Lance called. He was leading Keith down a winding stone path. Apparently he had found something amazing the previous night when he had gone to check on the Lions.

'I'm seriously starting to worry you're leading me to the place where you'll murder me' Keith joked and he heard Lance chuckle.

'If I was going to kill you, mullet, you'd never see me coming.'

'Right cause you're a ninja,' Keith said sarcastically.

'Boy you have no idea,' Lance said, striking a ridiculous pose. Keith rolled his eyes and tripped over a loose stone. Lance whirled around and caught him.

'Th-hanks,' Keith stammered. Lance held onto his arm and gently guided him down the slippery path until they came out to a small sandy clearing.

'Woah,' Keith said as he laid his eyes on it.

'Told you,' Lance grinned. Before him lay a gigantic circle of white sand and right in the centre sat a glittering lake with water like blue crystal. It looked like a miniature ocean just for them.

'Okay this is nice,' Keith admitted and Lance laughed. Keith suddenly felt Lance grab his waist.

'Lance!' Keith yelled as he was lifted into the air and flung into the lake.

'YOU'RE DEAD,' Keith mock yelled and Lance burst into laughter. He peeled off his own shirt and jumped into the water beside Keith. Keith couldn't ignore his toned chest or the wet hair sticking to his forehead. Lance looked so good it physically hurt.

'You look constipated mullet,' Lance joked.

'Now you're gonna get it,' Keith joked and flung himself at Lance.

An hour later they were both laying on the beach, shirts lost somewhere in the water. Keith's pale skin wasn't used to the sun, but it wasn't too harsh. It felt pleasantly ticklish and warm. Lance on the other hand looked perfectly golden. 

'That was fun Lance,' Keith said softly and turned his head. Lance had already been looking at him and there was something Keith couldn't recognise in his eyes.


'Yes Lance?'

'Do you believe in love?'

Keith's heart nearly stopped beating. He held Lance's gaze.

'Do you,' Keith countered in defiance.

'Yeah, yeah I do,' Lance answered softly.

'It doesn't matter whether I believe or not,' Keith said.

'Why not?'

'Because I'll never find someone who loves me,' Keith said softly, admitting his worst fear to Lance. 'I'll never find someone who wants to be with me, just for me. It's my destiny, and my curse.'

Lance sat up suddenly, and Keith did too. Keith noticed Lance's lips pressed together in anger.


'You're a fucking idiot, Keith.'

'What do you mean?'

But Lance didn't answer. Instead he threw his arms around Keith's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Because I'll never find someone who loves me. I'll never find someone who wants to be with me, just for me. It's my destiny, and my curse.

How stupid could Keith possible be? Could he not see that there was someone madly in love with him right in front of him. Lance just wanted Keith to shut up so he did the only thing he could do, the only thing he wanted to do since Keith walked off that Galra ship.

He pulled Keith closer, circling his arms around the other boy's muscular neck. Lance pressed his lips to Keith's and felt Keith freeze under him. Then he kissed back. It was slow at first, and Lance felt electricity coursing through him. He could feel the warmth from Keith's skin and tasted fire on his lips as they kissed. Lance leaned in closer, deepening the kiss. They began to kiss harder, and Keith's hand dug into Lance's back. Lance raked his hands through the inky hair and gripped Keith tightly. Their kissing was fierce now, as if they needed it to breathe.

Keith suddenly pulled away, gasping.

'W-what is it,' Lance asked, his arms still around Keith.

'Lance, is this really what you want because-'

'Keith, for goodness sake, come here,' Lance murmured and pulled Keith closer, until there was no space between them. Lance gently kissed his forehead, then his lips.

'I want this, and you, now kiss me,' Lance ordered. Keith grinned and obeyed. Their lips collided again and Lance pulled Keith closer. They moved and kissed until Keith lay beneath Lance in the sand. Lance moved his lips from Keith's mouth down to his neck, leaving kisses and bite marks across every part of skin Lance could find.

'Lance,' Keith moaned and it sounded like music to Lance's ears. He felt Keith digging his nails tighter into his back as he gasped in pleasure. Lance ran his hands across Keith's bare chest and leaned back into their kiss.

Eventually their kissing slowed down again until they were simply lying against each other in the sand softly kissing.

'Lance,' Keith murmured between the kisses. Lance was being driven mad by the dopey smile on Keith's face.

'Yes my love,' Lance answered, nibbling on Keith's ears.

'My love,' Keith laughed and planted a kiss on Lance's chest. 'Let's go back to our hut,' Keith murmured and Lance could see the desire in his eyes.

They didn't even bother to retrieve their shirts. 

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