Chapter 13- Truth

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Lance was happier than he had ever been. He was back with his family, and things between him and Keith were better than ever. But there was a part of him that wished to tell the truth of him and Keith to the others. Pidge and Hunk were his best friends, and Shiro was Keith's brother. Allura and Coran had become like family. Lance wanted them to know the truth about them. But Lance knew Keith wasn't ready for that.

They lay in Lance's room, rolling around in the covers. Keith was moving slowly under Lance, and Lance was leaving kisses across Keith's back. He heard Keith shudder and softly moan Lance's name and every time he did it drove Lance half mad.

Hours later they lay in bed, holding each other. Lance was leaving sloppy kisses on Keith's cheeks and Keith was laughing, fighting to get away, but Lance knew he secretly loved it. Suddenly Keith froze.


The other boy relaxed.

'I thought I heard someone.'

Lance sat up.

'Would it really be bad if someone found out,' Lance asked.

'Yes,' Keith answered stubbornly.

'Are you ashamed of me?'

'Lance, no, never. I fucking love you, you fool. Don't think that.'

'Then what?'

'I just don't want to be judged.'

'Keith, but like, Shiro is gay, and the others are accepting so maybe we could tell them-'

'Shiro has always been accepted Lance,' Keith said softly. Lance met those purple eyes.

'He's always been loved by people. But I'm different. I've always been the outcast, the half-breed, half-Galra loner. You said it yourself.'

'Damnit Keith,' Lance said, hating himself for his words.

'It's true though,' Keith said, 'and this will just be another thing that sets me apart.'

'Keith, listen to me,' Lance said as he cupped Keith's face in his hands. 'You are brilliant and perfect just the way you are. All those things you said are reasons why you are amazing. I love you for you. And I always will. I'm going to tell the others at dinner that I'm Bi, because I want them to know. But we can wait to tell them about us as long as you want. I just want you to know that every part of you is beautiful and you should know that.'

'Thanks Lance.'

'Always,' Lance grinned and planted a kiss on Keith's cheek.

The dinner table was noisy as usual. Hunk was staring lovingly at his food while Pidge was arguing about something with Allura and Shiro. Coran attempted to stop the mice from stealing his cutlery. Lance felt his heart thumping slightly but he glanced at Keith and received strength from his small. Lance stood up and coughed loudly.

'Um, I have an announcement to make,' he said. Everyone stopped talking at him.

'Yes Lance,' Shiro said encouragingly.

'I am bisexual,' Lance said bracingly. Coran went back to arguing with the mice. Allura was smiling supportingly.

'I knew,' Hunk said.

'So did I,' Pidge said, 'but we're proud of you.'

'We are,' Shiro said with a bright smile. Keith suddenly shot up from his chair. He shot Lance a quick smile.

'I also have something to say,' he said and Lance reached out and took his hand.

'I am gay and I am dating Lance,' Keith said quickly. Lance watched as Allura looked and Shiro looked politely surprised while Pidge and Hunk's mouths fell open. Coran continued to argue with the mice.

'You guys are,' Pidge screamed.

'But you're always arguing,' Hunk demanded.

'Believe me,' Keith said, 'I don't get it either.'

'Hey,' Lance complained but he wasn't really upset. Seeing Keith finally be himself was one of the best moments of his life.

'I guessed it, but I'm so happy for you two,' Shiro said.

'As did I,' Allura added, 'I'm glad you've found happiness.'

'Coran are you not surprised,' Keith asked.

'Should I be,' Coran asked, 'I thought all your arguing was some sort of Earth courting ritual.'

Everyone laughed and Lance and Keith held hands throughout dinner. Lance thought he couldn't have been happier on that beach where he first kissed Keith. He had been wrong. 

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