Chapter 7- Battle Against the Galra

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The battle to destroy Zarkon's weapons fleet had started off well enough. The plan was to have Voltron invade with a full on attack and draw all their fire while a small ship with Blade members including Krolia and Kolivan would infiltrate the weapons carriers and plant bombs.

But the plan all went sideways when ten Galra cruisers appeared out of nowhere and began to fire on the Lions.

'We can't take much more of this fire,' Pidge yelled over the communication line. Lance was in Blue, weaving in and out of Galra ships, taking them out but for every ship he destroyed there were three more firing on him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Keith in Red, zipping across the sky. He was truly the most brilliant pilot Lance had ever seen. The Galra ships barely even touched him.

'Allura, Coran! Give us some cover,' Shiro yelled, 'team there's only one thing we can do! FORM VOLTRON!'

Lance flew toward the Black Lion and felt Keith and Red beside him. He felt his confidence surge even through the horrific sounds of battle. The Lions flew in formation and began to fuse together until Voltron was formed.

'FORM SWORD!' Shiro ordered. Lance heard Keith and Pidge slam their bayards into the braces and the high pitched ting of the sword being formed. Lance shoved his wheel forward and Voltron zipped ahead, running its sword through ten ships in seconds. They all blew up, creating plumes of orange clouds. The Paladins cheered and Lance imaged Keith's triumphant little smile.

'Paladins! Look out!' Allura screamed but they were too late. None of them had heard the latest Galra cruiser charge its Ion cannon. The blast hit them square in the chest. It was so powerful that Voltron was ripped apart and the five Lions were thrown spinning into the the battlefield. Blue collided with another Galra cruiser. Lance quickly hit the thrusters and sped out of there.

'Where's the Ion cannon,' Hunk screamed.

'I don't see,' Coran answered over the intercom.

'Paladins continue fighting,' Shiro ordered. Lance was about to rush to the nearest Galra cruiser when a great shaking erupted through the battle.

'THE GALRA CREATED A BLACK HOLE!' Pidge's terrified voice echoed throughout Blue. Lance could see it now, terrifyingly large, erupting right at the edge of the battle and swallowing ships.

'How did they do that!' Allura screamed.

'Kolivan what's your status?' Shiro called.

'We need a few more minutes,' Kolivan's voice answered.

'Paladins, you heard him! Stay away from the black hole but keep the fight on us!'

'COPY THAT!' All the other Paladins yelled in unison. Lance watches Keith speed away to a cruiser while Hunk and Pidge were ramming into the furthest ships. Then a beam of pure purple energy shot through the battlefield, hitting a Galra ship by mistake.

'Where is that Ion cannon,' Keith screamed as he dodged the blast and resumed shooting a Galra cruiser. Lance dived beneath a ship and scanned the battlefield and then he spotted it. The Ion cannon on the ship at the edge of the battlefield. It was charging up and Lance could see the burst of purple energy forming at its tip. His eyes watched where it was aiming and saw with horror that it was pointed at the Red Lion.

'KEITH,' Lance screamed as he threw his Lion into full thrust but he was too late. The Ion cannon blasted and Keith was too slow to realise. It hit the Red Lion square in the chest. Lance heard Keith's screams and then silence.

'KEITH!' Lance screamed. He could hear the others screaming but all he could think about was the Red Lion floating through space, completely out of power. Its yellow eyes had gone out.

'LANCE! LANCE! TH BLACK HOLE! HE'S BEING PULLED IN,' Pidge screamed and Lance saw it. Keith's Lion had been blasted toward the black hole and the gravitational forces were pulling him in. The other Lions were too far away. Lance pushed Blue harder than ever.

'KEITH! I'M COMING,' he screamed. He sped through the battlefield and caught the Red Lion. He could see Keith's limp form through the shield. He tried to pull them both out but the force of the black hole was too strong.

'Guy, I can't pull us out,' Lance screamed.

'We're coming,' Shiro yelled back. Lance turned to see the other three Lions hurtling toward them, but they were getting farther and farther away. Lance and Keith were being pulled into the black hole, darkness surrounding their Lions.

'Lance...stay put...we'll find you,' Shiro's cracked voice said.

'It's okay Keith,' Lance said softly, 'we'll be together.'

The two boys vanished into the black hole. 

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