Chapter 12- Return to Voltron

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Nearly a week had passed since the Castle of Lions had appeared in the sky to rescue Lance and Keith. They had thanked Nadia and the other locals and then left with the rest of their family. The others had been ecstatic to see them. Keith was nearly crushed by Shiro and he saw Lance fall to the ground under the Hunk and Pidge. Allura and Coran were in the corner crying in each other's arms. After the reunions, Lance explained everything that happened.

Well not everything. He left out the part of him and Keith. Keith just wasn't ready for everyone to know yet.

'That seemed like quite an adventure,' Shiro said.

'It wasn't. It was peaceful though, and we both kinda liked it,' Lance answered and Keith could feel the blush creep into his cheeks.

'Well, while you two were off on vacation, we managed to destroy Zarkon's weapons fleet,' Pidge said, 'the Galra are weaker than ever.'

Keith was happy to be back, he really was, but a part of him longed to be with Lance in that hut. He could only be with him during the night time now, and he had to make sure no one saw him go to Lance's room. Shiro had tried talking to him about what happened on the planet, but Keith didn't say anything. He knew it was stupid to keep it a secret from Shiro, but Keith just wanted what was between him and Lance to stay between them.

'Keith?' Shiro asked. Keith was suddenly pulled from his thoughts and saw Shiro frowning at him across the dining table.

'You alright Keith?'

'Yeah Shiro, I'm fine.' Shiro looked unconvinced but continued talking to Pidge. Lance bumped his leg gently against Keith's.

'Keith,' he asked softly and Keith eased hearing Lance's voice then noticed Allura staring at them, noticing how close Lance's chair was to Keith, or their arms resting against each other.

'Uh, I'm not that hungry guys. I'm just going to head to bed. Tired.' Keith could feel Lance's eyes on him as he slipped away but he would see him later.

Hours passed away, bright lights from passing stars and nebulas lit of Keith's room. Eventually a soft knock echoed from the outside of his door. Keith pulled it open to see Lance standing barefoot in his pyjamas.

'You look so cute,' Keith grinned and pulled him closer. The door slipped shut behind them as they kissed.

'I wanted to kiss you so badly all day,' Lance complained as Keith ran his fingers under Lance's shirt.

'Just take your shirt off,' Keith grinned, 'I'll make it up to you.'

'You better mullet,' Lance joked as they sank into the mattress. Keith pinned Lance's hands to the bed and left a trail of kisses down his arms to his neck.

'Fuck Keith,' Lance moaned and Keith moved his hands down Lance's bare chest and under his pants. He felt Lance shudder beneath him and let out a soft moan. He moved his hand, and felt Lance answer him.

'Keith,' Lance groaned, shoving his hand and accidentally knocking the lamp off his nightstand.

'Shit Keith sorry,' Lance mumbled.

'Lance, forget the lamp,' Keith ordered as he pulled off Lance's pants and pressed his mouth to the base of Lance's sternum. Lance let out a loud moan and gripped Keith's back tightly, digging his fingers into the skin of his back.

'That's so good,' Lance moaned as Keith ran his lips across every surface of Lance's skin.

'Keith?' Shiro's voice called from outside his door.

'Shit,' Keith whispered, clambering off Lance, who was heaving heavily.

'Keith, it's okay-'

'No, no, it's not, shit shit.'

'Keith,' Shiro called again.

'Lance get in the closet.'



Keith shoved Lance into the closet and pulled his pants back on. He opened the door and a frowning Shiro walked back in.

'Shiro, it's the middle of the night, what's wrong?'

'I hear a crash, are you okay?'

'Yeah, I just dropped the lamp,' Keith said impatiently.

'Why are you all sweaty,' Shiro asked suspiciously, 'and whose pants are those?'

Keith wanted to kick himself. He left Lance's pants on the ground.

'Mine of course,' Keith answered nonchalantly.

'I didn't know you wore blue.'

'Every colour looks good on me,' Keith joked, ignoring the heat he felt.

'You sound like Lance,' Shiro joked. 'Anyway, if you're fine I guess I'll go.'

'Okay,' Keith said and began to usher Shiro out. 'Goodnight!'

Lance stumbled from the closet when Shiro was gone.

'Was that necessary Keith,' Lance asked. 'Shiro would get it.'

'Please Lance, I don't want anyone to know.'


'Now come here, I still have to make it up to you.'

Lance grinned as they kissed. 

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