Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I was in the bathroom cooling off and deleting the notes in my notes app. Today I could let go a little bit. Drew told me he was going to do something big for Zoey. I knew exactly what he meant. I deleted my notes which was called, "Things to say to the Populars." Plus, I remembered everything already. Drew doing what he was going to do would make Zoey less popular by a bit, and I could get closer to Popular President rather than Zoey's title of Queen.

In the lunchroom, the first thing I saw was Drew in the middle on a table. The lunch ladies didn't do anything. Then he made a speech.

"This is a letter for my Zoey. Dearest Zoey, this is goodbye. I want to break up with you. I have seen you with someone else in the many places. You have been eskimo kissing and holding hands with someone else other than me. To be honest, there is no point we were together except that we were both at the top of popularity. So, we must separate. Also, you are way too clingy and definitely been living off my money rather than your own. Let me tell you, you will never get anywhere in life. LOL! I'm tired of being the 'King' of this school place. We all deserve a chance to shine. Love, Drew."

"Here's another letter. Dear Music Club..."

I looked at their table and so did Jake. I saw Milly's eyes narrowed. She saw my eyes pleading to not hurt the magenta colored hair boy. The guitarist calmed down.

"I'm deeply sorry for teasing you. I actually heard you guys and you were awesome! You helped calm my feelings down and I hope you win and smash the competition! So, best of luck! And sorry again! Sincerely, Drew!"

I was impressed. This guy took the time to write two short letters. Both which would save me and my friend's reputation. Drew really had a heart.

Thank you.

Milly POV

Surprise! Surprise! Jake's other simp friend had a heart too! He wrote two letters. One was to Zoey, my bully. The guy was breaking up with the Barbie. Good for him. She doesn't deserve a boyfriend like that. The second was for us.

I was ready to fight him. I saw Lia looking at me. Her eyes screamed a desperate, "NO!" I calmed down for my friend's sake.

I learned his name was Drew. He apologized and said nice stuff about us... But he it seemed like he stalked us a little. I thought I saw brown eyes in the door one time... EH! Not important. Nope. Nada.

It was time for reading. We were close reading some Shakespeare gibberish. The only good thing about it was that Elliot and I were partners. But what made the butterflies really uncontrollable was that the piece was Romeo and Juliet.

Surprisingly, we did really good. "Great job Elliot!" I said.

"You too Milly! I can't wait to do this again!"

We both flushed pink at his words. I wanted this guy to be mine. He was so cute and had a big heart.


The bell rang and my heart was doing flips! Sque~!

Daisy POV

It was the day of the sleepover. It was going to be at my house. I prepared lots of things for it. I hope we can open up to each other more! I couldn't wait until Lia and Milly came!

It was 3' o clock. The same time of Jake's party. The doorbell rang, and I rushed downstairs.

I opened it up to see Lia and Milly with sleeping bags and filled backpacks.


"C'mon! Let's go to my room!" I said pulling them to my neat bedroom.

"Okay! LOL!"

"You're too excited Daisy!" Lia exclaimed.

"I know! Sorry!" I gushed.

Milly giggled.

This was going to be one of the most fun and best nights of my life ever!

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