Chapter 15

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Grace and I put up posters for the election right when we arrived at Alabama High. I still had that weird feeling in my head. It was driving me insane, to be honest. I talked to mom about it, and she wasn't sure what that feeling was. I should talk to Daisy about it. I should've talked to Daisy about it.

Grace was very kind and caring though. She always asked me if I was fine, coincidentally whenever I had those kind of mental panics. Maybe the feeling appeared on my face as well? I could never be sure.

Anyway, after we finished putting up the posters, we did a high-five and went are separate ways. We had some minutes to spare, so I turned on my cell-phone. I decided to text Jackson. He did give me his number. I added him into my contacts. He was a fun dude.



That was good enough. I then turned it off and put my stuff in my opened locker. As another normal day, I just did stuff anyone would do at a high school in this generation.  


At lunch, Grace sat with her normal friends, so I was left by myself. I decided to talk and sit with Daisy. She seemed a bit lonely. My friend was picking at her salad with a plastic fork. She seemed bored, so why not help her? I still had a long way to be a good friend. 

"Hey Daisy~" I greeted, giving her a smile.

"Oh! Hey Lia."

I felt my eyebrow go up. "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry for whatever I did!" I said, first with confusion, then with apology. I would never try and make Daisy mad. She didn't deserve extra friend drama.

"Oh no...I was just wondering when you were going to tell us you were running for president," she explained.

Oh. Oh. Oh...

"I'm sorry! I was going to tell you sooner, but I got nervous. I didn't want you to get jealous or angry at me because I was running. I'm really really sorry. I can go if you want me to-" I rambled. 

"No!" Daisy said waving her hand, stopping me. "It's fine! Good luck~! We won't let some school position get in our way, will we?" 

I sighed with relief. "Of course not. I guess I got too scared."

The girl in a blue skirt giggled. I guess she found my nervousness a bit amusing. I chuckled a little. 

"Thanks for sitting with me. I didn't want to be too lonely," she chimed.

"Mhm," I said with a nod. 

Milly POV

Another day for practicing. Another day closer to the gold. Another day of rocking it!

Zander impressively played his keyboard and Sean finalized the track! It sounded awesome~! Hailey and I killed the strings. No! Not killed, killed. We rocked it! And Luke was great with his drums! He even did a trick with his sticks at the end. And not to brag, but our biggest simp, Jake, amazingly sang our song. We definitely were gonna kill the competition. 

"Great rehearsal guys!" Sean exclaimed. 

Jake flashed a giant grin. "We, more importantly, you guys sounded awesome!"

"The idiot is right for once," our pianist said.

Luke let out a chuckle. "We did sound great," he said, somehow magically appearing next to Zander in the center of the room.

"Well, we did awesome!" 

"Nice job guys. Just some more practice and we'll sound perfect," Hailey told us. She smiled.

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