Chapter 11

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Daisy POV


"Mom. Father. I did the right thing. I defended my friend. I did the morally right thing."

"Honey, I know. But you could've chosen a less tragic way to do so."

"NO! Sweetheart, I know you mean good things," my father said turning to my mom. "But Daisy! DO YOU KNOW THAT ZOEY'S FAMILY WILL END BUISNESS WITH US?! AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

I winced. My father worked for Zoey's stepfather's business. Her parents were divorced. She spent time with her dad though. She barely had anytime with her mom. I would know because I barely see her at my dad's business diner meetings. But obviously, they had a connection to Zoey, so something would happen. My dad was the president of the company after all. The CEO would fire him. And it would be 'all my fault'. Luckily, he didn't raise a hand this time.

Him screaming at me was not the first time. He just hadn't done so in such a long time. I was to busy being 'saint Daisy' to actually care for others anymore.

"Sorry sir," I said looking into his eyes.

He just grumbled and went to his home office.

"Hon. Can we talk?" my mom said quietly.

"Sure...." I answered.

"I know your father is being a bear, but you chose to do the right thing. But if your friend is being bullied or controlled, then report it to a higher authority instead. Now I have to comfort your father before he blows up."

I just nodded. Our family was always like this. Father being the man of the house. It hurt to see my mom always worrying about impressing others or just pleasing dad. No wonder my sister moved.

There are instances where he didn't care about our personal lives either. Like when mom got laid off. Or when my sister got suspended. Or when I wanted to have a sleepover. That was only between us girls.

Soon after the very short talk with mom, my sister came to visit. She saw me. I must've been looking somber and upset because she put on her 'Big Sister to the Rescue' and 'I'm do done with Dad' face.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"In his office," I answered.

She stormed off to his room, and I heard a scream from there.


It was her voice.

She and father ended up arguing.
Mother just cuddled with me, and I ended up sleeping in her arms that night.

*Time Skip because it's just the students doing work at home with books and computers.)


FINALLY! I was able to go back to school again in person! I heard Zoey was expelled though. I didn't know who to hangout with. I decided since no one would probably notice me I could wear some clothes of my style. I wore a black plaid skirt and matched with a uniform-like magenta shirt. I wore normal white socks and converse shoes. I then put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked like a schoolgirl. I thought it looked cute.

"Hi mom!"
"Ready for school huh?"


"I like your outfit today! Well, stay safe! Have fun!"

"Okay mom. See you later," I said kissing her on the cheek.

After I confessed to her, we grew a stronger bond.

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