Chapter 13

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Daisy POV

I remembered that we had student council elections coming up soon. This would be interesting. If it were up to me, I would run secretary or nothing. But obviously, to give my father a good name, I would run for president. It would make him proud out of all the trouble I gave him.

Turns out, everything was fine for him. I guess Zoey's step-father didn't care if she was exposed. I bet they moved her to a richer school for the preppy. I bet she made more 'friends'. At least Lia was in the clear. No more controlling bosses for her. Right? 

When my father figured out he had a raise instead of a contract getting ripped in pieces, he didn't even apologize to me or my sister. He was too busy celebrating his own achievements to even recognize his own family's feelings. That was unfair, mean, and unloving. What kind of douche does that?   

Anyhow, I would have to campaign for president of course. I would also have to make it to be a proper candidate as well. I should ask Lia and Milly to help me.  They're pretty intelligent and promising. They're also my only close friends so...yea!


Before school started, I ended up seeing my best friends.

I decided why not ask them early. It wouldn't hurt anyway. 

"Hey guys?"

"Yea?"Milly asked.

"Since elections for student council is coming up, I decided to run for president. Would you like to help me campaign?" I told them.

Lia's went white for one millisecond. Then she said, "Did you decide  it or did your parents decide it?"

I was touched by the concern, but I shook it off like it was nothing. "No, no, no. I decided it. It would be a fun and educational experience! Don't you think?"

She sighed. "I guess." Her voice seemed to have a monotone. 

Maybe she was tired. It was morning after all. Milly wasn't exactly charged to the fullest yet. So, maybe they just weren't morning people. I didn't question it as it was morning. I also didn't want to ruin the kind of joyful mood right now. 

"I can't really help Daisy...I promised someone else I would help them," the girl in a pink skirt a said with eyes that worried me.

"Okay..." I responded with doubt. She didn't seem fine. But maybe she was helping Milly find her admirer. Or maybe she was finding more ways to help others. Or maybe she was trying to find a way to get out of her mess with the crowds. 

"I can help!" Milly exclaimed with a grin. She was charged and full of happiness now. 

I shot her a smile. "Thanks Milly! I'm glad. I couldn't do this alone." 

We walked inside, but I noticed Lia was lingering behind in the spot we were just talking at. 

The guitarist and I turned around, almost in sync. 

"Hey Lia, you ok? Why aren't you joining us?" Milly asked her. I had the same questions.

"Oh, yea! I'm fine. Just waiting for someone," she said with the same monotone. 

"Oh..ok! If you need someone to talk to, it's us!" Milly exclaimed, flashing her a grin.

Milly's smiles were deeply contagious. It was like sunshine (only some specific people know what or who I'm talking about. hint hint nudge nudge h-). The girl in the ponytail responded with a weak smile. 

Maybe something is going on with her. I'll ask later.


When school life couldn't get worse, it just did. 

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