Chapter 14

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Milly POV

"Hey Milly," a purple haired pianist said.


"Can I tell you a secret...somewhere else?" he whispered.

"Why? Won't we have to start practice a bit later because of it?" I asked him, tying my left sneaker.

"Shush. I can be intimidating enough," Zander insisted, rolling his eyes.

I shrugged, my shoelaces all tied, and went out the music room following him.

"What's up?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Do you have a crush?" The classical music fan had wide eyes.


"Why must you always ask that question?" Zander asked back with a pout.

I smirked. "Because, you asking questions like that is weird."

"Just answer the question!" he said with light frustration.  You could see tiny flames in his eyes.

I giggled and patted his head. "You're cute. And to answer your first question, yes. I have a crush. I said the last part a bit more softly.

"Can you help me with mine then?"

"I never said I confessed," I stated with judgement in my eyes.

"Um...can I ask you for help about it though? I wanna talk again after school," he explained, noticeably in a quiet way.

I sighed. "Okay Zander. Now let's go back rehearse."

"Okay. Thanks Milly!" he beamed.

We went inside the practice room. Again, we slayed together!

When it was time to try to practice separately, Hailey worked with Jake on vocal techniques, Luke practiced some tricks with his drumsticks. He was like a professional anyway. Zander sight-read some pieces. He seemed like he was trying to catch someone's eye.

   Maybe Jake? Luke? But probably not. I mean mutual feelings don't always happen. Maybe Sean. I don't know. A lot of people seem to like him anyway.

    I just practiced and plucked my guitar. I just did some simple chords. Sean was working on other instrumentals again with his laptop.

If Zander and Daisy had a crush on Sean, that would be interesting. Like a cringy romance book. Or maybe a drama.

I mean Sean was such a likable person! He was caring and was like a father at his age. He was passionate about his music. I mean he had this cool keyboard that he connected to his laptop, and he could make awesome beats with that! He was also smart and wise. When Luke and I were younger, we used to go to him for help.

This whole crush thing was getting weird.

Later, I saw Daisy. She asked me to help her with being president. I decided to start with speeches, and ways that she could grab people's attentions with her good qualities. All that before pins, posters, and those kind of stuff.

Daisy POV

I couldn't wait for after school! Weird, right? Well, it's because Milly and I were going to make some speeches, posters, pins, etcetera for the elections! I was a bit more pumped up for these elections! I mean being president means that my good intentions can be noticed by more people! Maybe even the whole school! Ooh! My heart is happy~!

"Hello Daisy! Nice to see you here!" someone greeted me in the hallways.

The person was wearing a purple hoodie.

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