Chapter 8

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(A/N : Since my mouse USB is stuck....this is the OG version. I didn't get to write it on Word. So, I'm sorry. )


"We did."

Wait what?  So, it wasn't me. But who would have the guts to expose Zoey?

I looked at the place where the voice came from. It was 4 boys. It was the green dwarf, the guy who flirted with anyone, Jake the simp, and Zoey's ex Drew. Damn. I didn't know he was that mad. I thought Sadie was his flirt buddy.  

"YOU DUMMY! I TRUSTED YOU AS MY BOYFRIEND!" Zoey screamed still having me pinned on the ground.

"Says the one who cheated," Drew came back with. He stuck his tongue out at her.

Oooooooo. Burn.

"I cooperated," a girl said. I looked in that direction. I was a bit shocked. It was the angel!


"Us too," two girls said. It was from the music club table. It was Milly and a teal haired girl. Did these students really have something against the blondie?

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?! WHY THE NEED TO EXPOSE ME?" she shouted finally letting me stand up.

"Because you made people's lives a misery here Zoey," I said in a stern tone.


"DO NOT FIGHT!" an adult finally said. "Zoey, is it true that you did all of the stuff that was put online?"




"Y-yes..I did," Zoey stuttered. Dang. She actually confessed.

"If you are standing up right now, I would like to talk to you after school," the teacher said. I looked around. It was Drew, Jake, Liam, Henry, Daisy, Milly, the teal-haired girl, Zoey, and me.

I sighed. What else could go wrong?

Daisy POV


I had to tell Elliot I couldn't talk with him today.

"Hey Elliot!" I exclaimed chasing him a little.

"Oh...hey Daisy-!" he stopped, turning to me.

"I can't meet with you at the greenhouse today," I told him.

"I kinda guessed. You were standing while the teacher was putting those who weren't sitting down in something after school. It's okay. I kinda think I know why you're meeting with me. You want to help me grow confidence to confess to Milly. You're not good at hiding excitement and stuff like that," the gardener said. "It was pretty obvious the first time."

 "Oh. I'm sorry if you felt pressured," I said. I didn't want to push them too much. Plus, we barely were friends, so I guess I pushed it hard.

"Nah. It's alright. I appreciate your efforts. Maybe I can confess soon," he replied back with.

I smiled at him. Hooray~!

He waved and moved to his classroom. Nice guy really. My best friend, Milly really deserved him.

Milly POV

Ah, that must've been the girl Elliot was talking about. I thought.

I saw Daisy with him earlier. Why would they need to meet up though? They weren't partners on any projects. We didn't have any at the moment anymore. I decided to be a loyal and good friend. So I would help her and Elliot get along and date. To be honest, Elliot and Daisy would get along more easily than me and him together. Even though I tole Daisy I had a crush on the gardener, I guess she did too. So I decided to be nice.

I sighed. It would take a long time to get over him. AGHHHHHHH. I liked him too much. He was such an angel. I didn't deserve him. Daisy was a much better person than me. Sadness ran over me. I smiled to keep it inside.

"Hey Milly. Are you doing okay?" Hailey asked. She knew me very well.

"Yep! I'm fine," I replied with a smile. Hailey looked concerned. 

"You sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay then," she said.

"Hey Milly~!" I heard Elliot say behind me. 

I got flustered. "Uh...hi Elliot!" I smiled to him. He smiled back. He was so cute. 

"Well. See you in class!" He waved at me. I waved back. 

"Oh, that may be why huh?" Hailey smirked.

"Uh! NO!"

"You're obviously love him Milly. It's been pretty clear to us," Hailey said teasing me with her eyes. 

I furiously blushed.

A sigh came out of her mouth. "Tell me everything later."


"You've been separating from us a little bit. You also seem to be getting along with Lia and Daisy. Weird for you."

"Oh. Yea. Ok. I'll tell you after we get out of school today.

"Ah yea. I forgot about that."

3rd Person POV

Lia and Daisy were at the corner because Zoey was talking with the prinicpal superintendent, and her parents.

They heard Milly and Elliot talking. They shared a smirk thinking the same thing.

They are definitely going to be canon soon. 

(A/N : I'm sorry for having this chapter shorter than usual.)

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