Chapter 20

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There is a bit of a large time skip. Probably 2 weeks after the last chapter since that's what my outline suggests...In the middle of it, there is another time skip. In between is just romance, friendship, and such! Just fun and sad moments! Which is why there is a broken heart and a heart in it.

Milly POV

Gosh, today was the day of the band competition. The pressure was so on. We would be battling against many many other bands. I bet we could rock the socks off of the other groups. We legit spent the entire morning hours perfecting every single, tiny detail for this song. It was a bit tiring, and Hailey's time bomb was ticking by the second, which was not too surprising even though she was such a chill person. 

Anyway, we practiced the whole weekend, or maybe just the whole Saturday on our song. We really had to be perfect, but still playing in feeling. Gosh, it would be hard but worth it in the end. I knew we could make a place in the top!

I remember talking to Elliot the other day, and we were playing something like if we were blank, what would it be? For example, if we were a cliché, we would be opposites attract. My gardener asked a really good question.

"If we were a music genre, what would it be?"

I had to think hard for a long moment. I think the world stopped rotating. Everyone around me, even Elliot froze. I don't know why it was like that. That was not the first time it happened to me, though it happened a lot when I was younger, but barely these days. 


"Milly, why did you stop walking?"

"Oh...sorry Ell. Uh... jazz."

Elliot's face looked like a mix of offended feelings, shocked, and curiosity.

"Why jazz?"

"Because it's sounds weird at first. The notes seem like they're not supposed to go together. But when you pick everything up, it can sound amazing," I thoughtfully responded.

Elliot smiled brightly and said, "That was a wonderful way of putting it." 

I gave a tiny smile back. "I guess."

During the walk slash game, we bumped into Jackson, who had a huge grin on his face. That grin turned into a smirk.

"So...this? I think it's time for my 10 dollars Elliot," Jackson happily said. 

Elliot shook his head with a smile. His head then hung down. He dug in his pocket for 10 dollars which is 8.53 euros. Jackson slightly snatched the money out of the pink boy's hand.

"Haha! I knew I was right! Thanks dude!" Jackson said, holding out his hand.

Elliot shook it and said, "No problem Jack!"

Jackson then ran away like all of this was planned. 

Elliot and I hung out more after that.

I should be talking about the present instead of past, shouldn't I? Anyway, yes most of the weekend consisted of practicing. I can't say it was boring because it wasn't. I could say it was valuable. Yes, that's a good way to describe it.

It was time. The host slash judge or something made some pre-announcements. They just recited the rules and made some welcomes or something like that. We waited after several bands played awesome songs. I can't lie, I was getting a bit more nervous. A lot of them were really good, it was almost like it was pre-recorded. The sound was raw, and the harmonies were absolutely beautiful. I smiled at the nice music.

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