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3rd Person POV

A young white-haired woman was strolling briskly through the streets. She wasn't sure where she was heading, to be honest. Her hometown has changed a lot since she was last there. She was 20 when she left her hometown. After 10 years, it would be a bit shocking if everything stayed the same. How must've the others adapted?

She saw a big building made of light tan bricks.

Maybe this is it. Maybe this is a tour place that can help me, the woman thought.

The adult with long, wavy, white hair saw someone heading out. She called towards the person with black hair.

"Uh! Excuse me, ma'am! Could you assist me, please? I'm a bit...new here..." Mrs. Daisy explained.

The woman with the short black ponytail headed towards the newcomer.

"Oh! Longtime, no see Daisy!" the other woman happily exclaimed.

"Um...I have never seen you before..."

"What do you mean?" Lia pointed to herself. "It's me! Lia!"

Daisy's eyes grew larger. "Lia! Oh! I didn't recognize you!" She hugged her old high school best friend.

Their arms went around each other.

"How have you been? We should catch up soon! I'll call Milly to come as well! Are you going to stay for long?" Lia asked with excitement.

Daisy nodded. "Yea, yea. I'll be around for a while. I'm not going away until next year."

"Ah! Good. Good." Lia was smiling. It was her signature small smile that was always genuine. Daisy's eyes lit up, and her mouth stretched as she remembered.

"Did you get a new number? We weren't able to contact you," Lia said.

"Mhm. I got a new number when I transferred to France. How has my family been without me?"

"Oh, they've been doing pretty well. We check on them sometimes!"

"Ah, that's really nice. Thank you Lia."

The girls decided to meet at a coffee shop. Sure, it was a bit stereotypical, but it was a good place to catch up on each others' lives. Or maybe just to fill Daisy in all she missed because she missed...a lot.

In the afternoon, each female was finished, or had a break from work, they each headed to the coffee shop they planned to go to.

Lia arrived first, still in her white coat gettogether, she ordered a warm macchiato. She took a seat at a table which contained 3 seats. She draped her white coat over her seat. She was wearing her gray crewneck sweater. It was about a minute until Milly came in. She was wearing a white tee shirt with a purple sweatshirt. Yes, she was still a 30 year old wearing a sweatshirt. Milly ordered a hot chocolate with extra caffeine. Being a mom of 3 somewhat drained her energy. The two women chatted for a bit until Daisy came in. It was like a bright model walked into the cafe. Some people's mouths were open as they were in awe. Or shock. Probably shock as not many people dress like that in the town.

The fashionable woman walked to the counter.

"May I have a black coffee please?" Daisy asked.

The cashier nodded in quick motions. "Yes, of course ma'am!"

The barista rushed and started to make the black coffee. After Daisy paid, the male barista handed it to her. "Thank you sir!"

"You're...you're welcome miss."

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