Chapter 7

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Lia's POV

"Look, it's the pink punk wannabe!" Zoey exclaimed teasing my friend Milly. Now that Milly didn't fight her with hands or too much words anymore, Zoey decided to take it to her advantage.

I rolled my eyes. This girl was a Barbie wannabe. Milly was a talented musician. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Milly straight up ignored her! Way to go Queen!

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?!" Zoey said.

This time Milly rolled her eyes. "Yes dummy. I don't care about what you say. You're just someone who wants to ruin someone's life for no reason. You should be a better person. Then maybe you'll get more money," the pink haired girl said.

I almost giggled. But I saved myself quickly.

"UGH! C'mon Lia! We also have more important stuff to attend to," the annoying blondie said.

"Okay~!" I said faking agreement. I winked at Milly behind Zoey's back. The guitarist smirked.

Zoey continued being a B####. She was worse than barbie. (No copyright please)

"Hey Lia," someone said grabbing me by the arm.

I calmly turned around recognizing the voice.

It was the so-called angel. "Hey Daisy. Zoey, Imma talk to Daisy here. See you later?" I told the blond girl.

"Ugh. Why do you hangout with such fake people like her. Fine. You can't even commit to me. What kind of friend are you?" she said.

I forgot it was Zoey I was talking to. I apologized with no sincere feelings. I turned back to Daisy.

"So?" I asked.

"It's for Milly."

Daisy POV

I was on Operation: Milliot. Yes, I already had a ship name for my best friend. UwU I'm such a good friend.

I told Lia about it. She agreed to help me. Though, Zoey was a jerk! She talked bad about me and Milly! She judged Lia a lot. The real question was, What kind of friend does that?

The next day, I told Elliot to meet up with me after school. He was a pretty sweet teen so he agreed quickly. He said to meet at the greenhouse since no one would be there. I guess he was really shy. Milly really deserves a guy like him!

At the end of the day, I met Elliot at the entrance of the greenhouse. He unlocked and I was in a bit of an awe. The plants were so pretty and the vibe was so light and nice.

"W-wow! This is awesome!" I exclaimed.

"Heh. Thanks," the shy boy replied back.

We took a seat and I started talking to him. He opened up. Turns out he was into skateboarding and rock music. But he especially loved books and plants more.

Ah. An ambivert. I thought. I kinda liked that kind of stuff. Like psychology. I found it cool!

"I have a weird group of interests. But my favorite one has to be a specific pink haired musician," he said the last part blissfully.

Are my ears decieving me? I wanted to clarify if it was Milly.

"Is it Milly? Do you have a crush on Milly?" I bluntly asked.

He got surprised and flustered. "Er...yes."

I realized my mistake. "Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry! That was so rude of me!"

"No, it's alright. And yes, I like Milly. She's cool, pretty, and really fun to be around. I'm just scared that if I get too close to her, I'll change."

Poor guy. But sometimes changes are needed to get a healthy relationship.

So I gave him my number, Milly's number, and my buisness (or more of fake buisness) card. It contained a cool name, my public email, my phone number, my name, and my purposes.
"Use this to contact me for any advice. Lots of students here actually use it," I said giving him the card.

"Cool. Thanks Daisy!" the gardener said.

We left the greenhouse. My mom picked me up there because I informed her about the meeting. On my way to my house, I texted to Lia:


Mission Milliot going well. They like each other a lot.

I smiled. I had another thing in mind. I was going to help Lia as well.

Milly POV

"Hey Elliot! Are you free today after school?" I asked. I wanted to hangout.

" Sorry Milly. I'm already meeting with someone," he replied with an apologetic look.

"Boy or Girl? Or is it your family?" I accidently slipped out. I got flustered.

"Girl and no, she's not family," he said.

"I gotta go now. Don't wanna keep her waiting," Elliot continued. "See you!"

"Yea. See you!"

The girl was lucky. She should protect Elliot.

Guess who's playing sad songs tonight?


It was the next day. I was helping Daisy get Milliot together. I was faking to Zoey. It would be a normal day.

"HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO? WHY DID YOU SPILL ALL MY SECRETS?!" Zoey asked furiously tackling me to the hallway floor.

"What the-? What do you mean?"

"UGH! THIS!" she screamed shoving her phone in my face.

There were pictures of her with make-up and some articles about all the bad stuff she did. They were all true. And she told me all of them. Like how she caused a kid to move schools in middle school. I wasn't there, but she told me. She blackmailed people and faked accused many. But I never exposed her.

"I didn't do it. I promise!" I said. Who else knew about this kind of stuff? And most importantly who exposed-? No. Who had the guts to expose Zoey?

"We did."

( A/N : I tried to put a cliffhanger. Sorry if it wasn't good. ToT)


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