Chapter 12

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Something was very wrong with Daisy. She barely felt sad. That's a fact. So seeing her in a bathroom stall with puffy pink eyes with clear tears falling down her cheeks meant something bad. 

Milly was near Daisy being quiet. I decided this would be my chance.

"Meet me at the park after school," I said sternly. With that, I spun on my heel and left the bathroom. 

It will give them the vibe that this is serious, right?


After school, I went to my locker. Some girls followed me with a distance. Some boys stared at me. It was so weird. I got way too many compliments and smiles today. Like why?

"Hey Lia," a girl with brown hair said. Wait. I recognized her. It was Grace from homeroom.

"Hi Grace. Hm?" I replied with.

"You should run for president."

"Huh-. Why?"

"Because people like you. You are a good leader."

Don't let her talk nonsense into your head. Don't let her talk nonsense into your head.

"But I don't really have any other traits for a president."

"Yes you do. You're smarter than the average than the average student. You're mentally strong, and you let your actions speak instead. You were always uncomfortable with Zoey. I could tell."

Hmm. She was right about that. 

"Maybe I will. I have to think it out first."

"Okay! If you say yes, then I can help!" she exclaimed to me, leaving.

Weird. She usually doesn't want to talk to me. 

I just nodded, got my stuff, then walked to the park instead of home. I texted my mom that I was going to meet with Daisy and Milly there, so she didn't have to worry.

 I was there first. After a few minutes, Milly the guitarist was there with her bike. She lowkey look a bit nervous. Her face was also a little pink like her hair. I gave her a side-eye. She just kept looking at her feet. That was weird as usually Milly was outspoken.

We waited for a bit until Daisy came. We stood in a circle-like form.

Daisy POV

When I arrived at the park, there was an awkward silence. 

Lia broke it my looking in my direction, saying, "What's up with you?"

Milly seemed nervous, but she snapped out of it, asking, "Yea. What happened with you?"

"N-nothing," I said quietly. 

"No Daisy. Something is wrong," Milly said with concern.

"Daisy, you let us vent to you. Now vent to us. We're your friends after all," Lia said with softer eyes.

To be honest, Lia was grabbing people's attention today. Lots of kids crowded her today. She looked scared. I looked if anyone was stalking her, left to right before I started. 

A sigh came out of my mouth. 

"Okay. Where should I start?"

"From the beginning," Milly said with a soft smile.

Another sigh.

"Okay. I'm ready."

They nodded.

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