Chapter 9

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The sound of bird chirping snapped me out of my daydream. I looked around my surroundings. I was sitting in a swing at the playground near my house in Russia. There were other kids across the ground. Some were playing the merry go round giggling, some were laughing at some stupid joke on the see saw while the others were playing sand near the slide.

"Поторопись! Магазин мороженого скоро закрывается (Hurry up, Chae! The ice cream store closes soon!)" a Russian voice beside me said.

A voice that I had missed for so long. Different accent but I would recognized it anywhere. That I would do anything to hear it again. Even if it's for the last time.

"William?" I turned my head.

There he was. In his 8-year-old self, pouted impatiently at me.

Then suddenly the skies turned blackening. Birds were no longer chirping. No more children on the playground. The wind blowing hard. I turned my head to see William. But he was gone.

Instead I was met by a tree. I was standing there dripping wet in my old Dark Force uniform with my guns strapped around my shoulders and holsters. I recognized the forrest in New Orleans.

William, now in his 22 year-old, was leaning against the tree. Inspecting his gun casually.

"You still owe me 22 dollars, Chae. Don't think I forget that already." He teased and grinned at me.

I just stood there dumbfounded. I didn't know what to do.

"Anyway, where is this client you found? It's been bloody 20 minutes." He grumbled.

Oh God! I knew this day. Please, not this day! I remembered it like it was yesterday. That day Alex and Hexa were dealing with other payment. It was just William and I. It was when we made the deal with that backstabbing bastard client. I was ready to get us out of here before a voice interrupted me.

"There he is." He suddenly stood up, on-guard position.

Hugh Fraser standing proudly with his umbrella holding his briefcase on his other hand.

"Dark Force. So, glad you came but I'm afraid I don't need you anymore. I take back my deal offer." He said with his posh accent.

Wait what? It wasn't what happened. But bloody great, nonetheless.

"We had a deal." William seethed.

I wanted to screamed for William to just get the bloody hell out of here. Reject the fucking deal that will ruined our lives. But I couldn't move my body. I couldn't scream. I just stood there watching.

Suddenly a howl was heard.

"Unfortunately, you knew too much. Farewell, fellas."

WARRIOR QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [1]Where stories live. Discover now