Chapter 19

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I woke up in a bed. Feeling much better. I felt a needle in my arm and looked it was connected to a blood bag. I turned my attention to the man sitting down in front of me staring at me.

"You saved me. Again. Thank you." I expressed my gratitude to him.

He leaned closer and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. "No, love. You saved me. So, thank you." He said with so much sincerity in them.

The sound of someone waking up beside me snapped me out of those entrancing sea blue eyes. I looked at the source of the voice to see doppelbitch lying on the bed beside me.

She felt a prick in her arm and gasped. I rolled my eyes. She looked down to see a nurse inserting a needle into her arm.

"Be careful. Moving only makes it hurt more." The nurse said.

Elena's blood started to run through a tube out of her body.

"What is she doing still breathing?" I asked Nik. He ignored me.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Draining you of all your blood."

I rolled my eyes at Nik's action. I groaned and put my hands on my face. He knew she was the key to the psycho hunter's end and he still sit there relaxing waiting for the doppelbitch to die drained out of blood? I would very much got out of this God forsaken city alive. Find Kol. Go home. Unharmed.

"Can't you just sped up the process? Cut her open or something? For God sake! She dies, little minion dies. Problem solved. Everybody happy and alive." I stressed my last words harder at Nik. he just rolled his eyes at me while Elena looked at me wide eyed.

"Elena?" a new voice joined in. Tyler walked into the room with a box of Klaus' stuff and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Elena. He put the box down and walked towards Elena.

"Tyler, help me!" doppelbitch whined. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time today. I sped over to her choker her throat. "I've heard enough whining to last a lifetime from you or blondie. If I heard you whine one more time, so help me God I will make true of my words back in the classroom."

"I thought you are over me staking you when you stabbed me. Why do you still want to kill me?"

I stared at her incredulously. 'Is she that dumb or what?'

"You seriously asking me that? You left me to die, Elena." I hissed.

"Let's not forget you signed our death sentence, Elena. Kol. Therefore, me." I glare at her deadly as she shuddered from it.

"You saw my condition yesterday. You had the chance to stab Esther and helped yesterday. But you didn't." I sneered. I tighten my grip on her. "And don't give me that crap about I stabbed you. You know I'm right when I said you had Damon."

"And besides I am serious about killing two birds with one stone."

I felt a hand on my shoulders. Rubbing soothingly to calm me down. I felt his presence so close behind me. "Calm down, love. All will be done in no time." He continued to rub my shoulders and back soothingly.

I sighed and released the bitch.

Tyler stopped halfway through the room. Nik saw this.

"Tyler can't help. He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three liters' worth, please Tyler."

"Tyler, please. Get Stefan, please." Elena pleaded. I glared at her. Nik was quick to pull me by the arm holding me close to him securing an arm around my waist.

WARRIOR QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [1]Where stories live. Discover now