Chapter Eight

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The next few days start to fly by, and although I'm having a great time, I wish time would slow down. Lee leaves to go back to school tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll be able to see him next. Although I'm sad that he has to leave, I'm also excited for Noah and I to have some alone time again. I can't help but think that the last time we had some time alone was almost over a week ago, and if our next chance to be alone will be anything like last time, I know I'm going to enjoy it.

I partially feel bad for Lee because whatever stomach bug I have has taken up the majority of the time that he has been here. For some reason, the mornings are the worst. For the past three days I have woken up puking, to the point where Noah even asked if he should drive me into the hospital in the city. I contemplated that idea for a while but by the afternoon it was like all my symptoms had subsided and although I still felt exhausted, I didn't think there was a need to go get checked out. Today is the first day that I haven't woken up puking, and although I still feel a little nauseous, I feel much better than I have in days. I ate a full breakfast this morning, minus bacon because the smell still makes me want to be sick. Noah laughed when I told him because he knows that there is nothing that I like more than bacon. Well, except maybe ice cream.

Lee asked if I would go on a walk down the boardwalk with him today just like we would do in the summer, and of course I agreed. So now I'm in my room trying to decide what to wear, when Noah walks in, and then shuts the door behind him.

"Hey," he says, and he walks right up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smile, "Hi."

"I love my brother and all," Noah says, burying his face into my neck, "but I cannot wait to have some alone time with you again."

"Oh really?" I smirk, and turn around to face Noah.

"Oh yeah," he teases, and he brings his hand up the sides of my body.

I let Noah's hands roam around my body for a second, but then he stops and grins at me. "Did your boobs get bigger?"

I roll my eyes and swat at his arm. "Noah!"

"What! They look fantastic!" He jokingly reaches out to grab my boob, but when he does, I flinch away.

Noah looks at me in horror. "Elle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

I shake my head. "No, it's not you. They're so sore."

Noah looks at me with concern. "Is that like... normal?"

I laugh nervously. "I mean, maybe my period is going to start."

Noah frowns. "I thought it was supposed to start at the end of last week?"

I shrug. "I don't know, it never really starts on a regular schedule."

"Oh," Noah says, "well alright, hopefully it holds off a couple more days." He winks and I roll my eyes as he leaves the room, leaving me to finally get dressed.

When I join Noah and Lee back in the living room, Lee is already dressed and ready to go. I contemplate for a moment if I should go back and change into something warmer, but I end up just grabbing one of Noah's hoodies off of the coat rack and throwing that over my head instead. Lee and I finally leave and start heading towards the boardwalk which is only about five minutes from the house.

Winter is finally starting to come to an end, which means that the snow that once littered the beach has almost fully melted, and the stores that can't afford to stay open during the off season, are starting to reopen for the visitors that the warm springs days will attract. Lee and I start down the boardwalk in a comfortable silence until Lee finally speaks up.

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