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I stand in front of my mirror, examining the scar on my forehead as a distraction. I run my hands under cold water from the tap, while I try to steady my breathing. I then run my damp hands over my face in an attempt to cure the anxiety that has been brought on by my excitement. I turn off the tap, then make my way into my bedroom of the gorgeous condo that Noah and I moved into just a month ago. I sit on the bed for a moment, going over my options. I only have an hour before Noah gets home from visiting his mom, and I have to prepare how I'm going to tell him, or I'll be a blurting, blubbering mess like last time. I'm excited, and I hope that Noah will be too. A part of me is worried that he'll be scared because of what went down last time, but I'm sure that we are going to be okay.

Our wedding is exactly three months away, and although a lot of the planning is done, I still need to go out wedding dress shopping. Lee and Rachel have agreed to come down here next weekend so that I can go dress shopping with Rachel while Lee goes tux shopping with Noah. We agreed that the colors for the wedding would be white and gold, so I'm already thinking of putting Rachel in a Black bridesmaid's dress that has a gold sash across the stomach. Lee has made jokes a few times that we should've made it kissing booth themed, and although it sounds ridiculous Noah and I agreed on getting a little toy kissing booth on top of our cake instead of the 'bride and groom' wax models.

As excited as I am to be getting married to Noah, I'm even more excited to be going on our honeymoon to Paris. I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower and eat stereotypical french food like frog legs.

Noah and I are almost completely finished with our hospital check ups and physiotherapy, and although we still go to our weekly therapy sessions, things are becoming a lot easier. I very rarely wake up screaming from nightmares anymore, and Noah has gotten a lot more comfortable with driving again. Of course there are still bad days, but compared to where we were last month, we've made significant improvements. I think that moving into this condo, closer to our family has helped a lot too. This place is beautiful. It has a huge master bedroom which of course Noah and I made our room, and the bathroom is beautiful, with marble tiles and a large bathtub, which I love. The living room and dining room are connected, and although the kitchen is smaller than what we were used to at the beach house, we still enjoy cooking all of our meals in it. I think I'm even getting better at cooking, but I don't know if Noah would agree.

I hear Noah come in the front door and I jump off the bed a little startled. I shove my hands in the middle pocket of my hoodie, and then go out to greet Noah.

"Hey!" I stand on my tippy-toes to give Noah a little peck. "How was your mom's?"

"It was good! She's psyched about the wedding." Noah unties his shoes and slips them off, making his way into the kitchen to wash his hands. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much, but, uh, would you mind coming and sitting on the couch with me? I have to tell you something."

Noah frowns, but then says, "Yeah, of course."

He follows me over to the couch and sits down with me. "What's up?"

I take a deep breath in and then smile, pulling a little plastic stick from my pocket, and handing it to Noah. He looks at it for a moment in confusion and then his mouth falls open and he looks right up at me with wide eyes. "You're pregnant?" he whispers.

I nod excitedly. "And it's yours, it's all yours!"

He laughs and jumps up from the couch, "I'm going to be a father!"

I jump up next to him, and right into his arms. "We're having a baby! This is our second chance."

Noah smiles softly, and pulls me in for a kiss. I melt into his arms, and he sits us back down on the couch. He puts his hand over my stomach and smiles at me.

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